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Easy to Use Hidden Power Checker! (For v18.1 and v19.1)

Easy to Use Hidden Power Checker! (For v18.1 and v19.1) v1.0.2

Pokémon Essentials Version
v19.1 ➖
So this is a VERY easy script to use to check the type and power of Hidden Power! The installation instructions are as follows:
-For v18.1
1. Download this .txt file.
2. Copy the script and paste it in the Scripts section ABOVE Main.
3. Call it in an event with "pbHiddenPowerChecker".

-For v19.1
1. Download this.
2. Download into your project's root directory. ThatWelshOne_ updated it to v19.1, so make sure to add ThatWelshOne_ to the credits.
3. Call it in an event with "pbCheckHiddenPower(text color #)".
-For example, pbCheckHiddenPower(2) would make the text color red.

Make sure to add ThatWelshOne_ to the credits if you use the v19.1 version!
Make sure to credit:
-Maruno (Because I just took and very slightly tweaked content from Debug to make this)
If you are using the v19.1 one, add:
First release
Last update


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  1. Easy to Use Hidden Power Checker! (For v18.1 and v19.1) Bugfix

    Fixed the info on downloading the v19 version! -For v18.1 1. Download this .txt file. 2. Copy...
  2. Easy to Use Hidden Power Checker! (For v18.1 and v19.1)

    So this is a VERY easy script to use to check the type and power of Hidden Power! The...