As you all may know, this is one of my very first UI scripts if you are familiar with my Pokecommunity account, I never posted my resources here, so here it is.
Some small modifications were made to the default PScreen_Bag/UI_Bag script to make this possible.
USEARROWS is for using BW Styled Arrows for pocket changing
ANIMEBG is for using Animated Background for the bag
USETOUCHBAG is for using mouse to click and change pockets [NOT AVAILABLE FOR V19]
For v21, I have removed the settings. You can simply turn off the animated background by commenting the line
Some small modifications were made to the default PScreen_Bag/UI_Bag script to make this possible.
USEARROWS is for using BW Styled Arrows for pocket changing
ANIMEBG is for using Animated Background for the bag
USETOUCHBAG is for using mouse to click and change pockets [NOT AVAILABLE FOR V19]
For v21, I have removed the settings. You can simply turn off the animated background by commenting the line
@sprites["grid"].ox += 1

- Credits
- Graphics:
Backgrounds: Ripped with Desmume.
Edit: Erassus
Graphical changes : CharizardThree3 or LackDejurane
Script changes for v18 - StCooler
Sounds: BadSamaritan
Thanks to Maruno, Marin and Luka S.J for making me understand what to do actually.