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Encounter list UI (v19+)

v21.1 Encounter list UI (v19+) 1.1.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Also compatible with
  1. v21.1
  2. v21
  3. v20.1
  4. v20
  5. v19.1
  6. v19
With permission from raZ, this is a reworked version of the simple encounter list UI script, now available for v21/21.1!

Here's the original resource from raZ and friends: https://reliccastle.com/resources/401/
That resource works with v18/v18.1 if you're using either of those versions.

You should also check out the DexNav UI script from phantombass, recently updated for v19 and a great practical application of the original script: https://reliccastle.com/resources/520/

  • If a Pokémon has not been seen, it appears as the ? sprite. If a Pokémon has been seen, but is not owned, the sprite appears greyed out. If a Pokémon is owned, the sprite appears in full colour. Note: owning a Pokémon is shared across all forms, seeing is not.
  • One page of possible encounters per encounter type, allowing you to separate land-like encounters from water encounters, etc.
  • The UI supports up to 21 sprites, but there's no actual limit if you have more than 21 unique encounters for a particular encounter type, it'll just look weird.
  • Customise the name of the encounter types by editing the USER_DEFINED_NAMES hash at the top of the script.
  • Easy to customise the background into whatever you like by editing the bg.png graphic (please do, it's literally a white box).
  • Sprite and text positions are agnostic to screen resolution.

Here's what the UI looks like with the default graphics:

In this screenshot, I own Turtwig, so its sprite is show in full colour. I have seen, but do not own, Squirtle, Kantonian Sandshrew and Alolan Rattata, so their sprites are greyed out. I have neither seen nor do I own Kantonian Rattata or Alolan Sandshrew, so their sprites appear as the ? sprite.
It's not the most beautiful thing in the world, so I encourage you to edit the graphics that come with the resource.

Installation (v21/21.1)
1. Download the .zip file from the MediaFire link by clicking on "Go to download" in the top right of this page.
2. Once downloaded, open the .zip file.
3. Drag the two folders you see into your project's main folder (where you have Game.exe), allowing them to merge with your existing folders.
4. (Optional) Start a new save.

Installation (v20/20.1)
1. Download the .zip file from this MediaFire link.
2. Once downloaded, open the .zip file.
3. Drag the two folders you see into your project's main folder (where you have Game.exe), allowing them to merge with your existing folders.
4. (Optional) Start a new save.

Installation (v19/v19.1)
1. Download the .zip file from this MediaFire link.
2. Once downloaded, open the .zip file.
3. Drag the two folders you see into your project's main folder (where you have Game.exe), allowing them to merge with your existing folders.
4. (Optional) Start a new save.

How to use
I'll explain how to set up this resource with the default pause menu. Setting it up with other pause menus will be different. If you like cool pause menus, Voltseon's Pause Menu has this resource built in, so no effort required!

Put the following code at the bottom of the UI_PauseMenu script:
Expand Collapse Copy
MenuHandlers.add(:pause_menu, :encounters, {
  "name"      =>  _INTL("Encounters"),
  "order"     => 50,
  "effect"    => proc { |menu|
    pbFadeOutIn {
      scene = EncounterList_Scene.new
      screen = EncounterList_Screen.new(scene)
    next false
Feel free to rename "Encounters" to whatever you like to suit your game. Edit the value defined by order to change where the UI element appears (a value of 50 puts it between the trainer card and Save).

For pre-v20 only!
For the default pause menu, go to the UI_PauseMenu script and find this line:
Expand Collapse Copy
cmdEndGame   = -1
Add this line under it:
Expand Collapse Copy
cmdEncounter = -1
Next, find this line:
Expand Collapse Copy
commands[cmdPokegear = commands.length]  = _INTL("Pokégear") if $Trainer.has_pokegear
Add this line under it:
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commands[cmdEncounter = commands.length] = _INTL("Encounters")
You can add a condition to the above line if you want the "Encounters" option to appear only under certain conditions, e.g. a game switch being active.
Finally, find this block of code:

Expand Collapse Copy
elsif cmdPokegear>=0 && command==cmdPokegear
  pbFadeOutIn {
    scene = PokemonPokegear_Scene.new
    screen = PokemonPokegearScreen.new(scene)
Paste this below it:
Expand Collapse Copy
elsif cmdEncounter>=0 && command==cmdEncounter
  pbFadeOutIn {
    scene = EncounterList_Scene.new
    screen = EncounterList_Screen.new(scene)
You can play around with where these new lines go to make the "Encounters" option appear in a different position on the pause menu. How I've set it up makes it appear between "Pokégear" and "Red" (or whatever your player name is).

Press the left/right arrows to move between pages.
Press "Use" or "Back" to close the UI. By default, this would be C/Space/Enter or X/Esc.

Please let me know if there are any issues/questions either here or via Discord (ThatWelshOne_#3324). I'm always happy to help where I can.

As always, thanks for reading!
Nuri Yuri
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 8 ratings

More resources from ThatWelshOne_

Latest updates

  1. Minor update for v21 compatibility

    Only quickly tested for major bugs. Please report any issues in the discussion thread!
  2. Updated for v20/20.1 compatibility

    Some minor tweaks for v20/20.1 compatibility.
  3. Minor bug fix and better screen fade in/out

    Small update to fix a bug with the sprite tone not updating properly, and to make the screen...

Latest reviews

Incredible. Very much! This script i search very much time. Good Job!
Amazing script- shows every Pokémon in an area, allowing completionist players to have the chance to catch everything instead of pulling up a .txt or wiki to see if there's anything they missed.
Also very customizable- different graphics for different encounter types and time of day is supported.
Works nicely, and motivates to catch all pokemon on each route :D
Well done!
Works out of the box and does exactly as described! Great work on the script! :)
Since I don't have a wiki set up for my game yet, and not every player knows to look at the encounters.txt, this plugin is extremely useful!
Useful script and can just add playtime for players, knowing when to move on and when to stay longer on a route.