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Fakemon Festival Pack (Free to Use!)

Battlers Fakemon Festival Pack (Free to Use!) v5.2

This resource consists, or mainly consists, of battlers, also known as Pokemon battle sprites.
Over my time working on many projects, I've developed a sizable roster of designs. Some sprited, some partially sprited, and others completely assembled. I decided that it's high-time to get together with a few friends from the community and assemble them into one large free-to-use pack, so that their grandeur can be spread around the globe.

However, this isn't simply a project for me and a few friends. The overall goal of this project is to assemble a large roster of designs and sprites that can be freely used by anyone, constantly accepting submissions and consistently being built upon. So far, the concept has been incredibly successful. Here are the contributions you will find in the project:

  • 115 fakemon, all of which solely have front sprites and are sized for gen 5-style games.
  • 28 fakemon with front sprites (some have backs!), designed by either KajiAtsui or JWNutz
  • 4 regional variants with front sprites designed by either KajiAtsui or JWNutz
  • 21 regional variants based off the Legend of Zelda series
  • All sized for gen 5 style games
  • 3 redesigns of original Pokemon from generation 6
  • 5 original mega-evolution designs
  • 2 original designs adding new forms to existing Pokemon
  • Styled for gen 4 games and sized for gen 5 games
  • 45 cut concepts from Nexus that managed to get to the color stage, art exclusively
  • 2 sprites for a fakemon that got to the sprite stage but got scrapped
  • 4 regional variants complete with OW sprites, backsprites, and party sprites
  • 3 regional variants with backsprites and party sprites
  • 5 completely independent fakemon
  • 2 evolutions to existing Pokemon
  • PBS files for some items in this folder
  • Sized for gen 4 style games
  • 158 fakemon, roughly less than half have backsprites, and a number of which have alternate shiny variations
  • Sized for gen 5 style games
  • 3 original Fakemon
  • 2 regional Pokemon forms
  • PBS files!
  • Sized for gen 4 style games
  • 5 pieces of concept art
  • 16 fakemon that have front, backs, and OWs
  • Some of these fakemon are new evolutions for existing Pokémon
  • Sized for gen 4 style games
  • 12 custom gen 2-styled fakemon with exclusively front sprites
  • 12 fakemon with front sprites, backsprites for gens 4 and 5, and icons as well as shiny variations for all
  • 5 of these Pokemon also include gen 3 styled sprites, as well as additional face icons
  • 4 unique fakemon with front and backsprites
  • 16 regional variants, 10 of which have generation 5 backsprites
  • 8 designs based on the spaceworld demo, complete with gen 4 backsprites as well
  • Sized for gen 5 style games
  • 7 front sprites for misc. fakemon that weren't large enough to be in their own folders
  • 2 additional fakemon alligned for EBS complete with backsprites and full animation
  • 5 new mega evolutions from existing Pokemon
  • 3 new forms for existing Pokemon
  • PBS files!
I also ask that you consider donating any other resources fakemon-related that you are using to this resource- I'll try to make consistent updates, and I do truly hope that this can become more than a hub for just these creators, but rather, a hub for many fakemon.

Also, I do ask that if you make any new resources for these Pokemon- be it sprites, a new move, abilities, what have you... That you send it my way so that we can add it to the resource for others to use! This isn't a requirement, of course, but it would certainly be much appreciated.

Here are some sneak peaks of what you can expect from this pack:

If you are using anything from this pack, you should also add the Fakemon Festival Pack somewhere in your credits!

All sprites in this folder are currently credited to Lucrain on DA.

Credits for icons and gen 4 backs goes to KajiAtsui

All fakemon in this folder were sprited by KajiAtsui, asside from Blackened Rotom-View which was sprited by BiggusWeeabus

Axolava, Carva, Cryscross, Gryphlit, Hotung, Ladrake, Lapod, Loamix, Luvdisc, Mega Goodra, Quagsire, Rotom-View, Scruffalo, Shorelorn, Sproutrap, Tropetite, UB Puddlick, and Wooper were all designed by JWNutz

All other designs are by KajiAtsui themself

All Terminian Forms are credited to KajiAtsui

Backsprites by John Willow

All sprites in this folder were done by BiggusWeeabus

Barbacle's redesign concept was drawn by Possum

Designer of Mega Staraptor remains anon.

All other designs were done by BiggusWeeabus

Oranjican: Batune
Snickerblizz: Crando Line, Flectre Line, Mouncy Line, Schrapzel
Nopesicle: Cryogunny, Dualgon, Furnit, Lobuc, Scuttleflare, Sweetcheep, Swimp, Tikitt, Unnamed Land Sharks
Axolollipop: Dimetorch line, Manasea, Meekmunk, Squirloud
JorgeBurgos: Drakid, Unnamed Armadilos,
LogicalLoony: ElectricFish1, ElectricFish2, PoisonFish1, PoisonFish2
Culurrien: Gorgabun
AnthiXD: Gourdizal
Tatiana: Karatant
ZestyPanties: Moldigo
CosmoRider: Numbnut
NVA: Shedska Line
MattyMT: Unnamed Ice Cocaktels
Spring: Unnamed Lizard
ZombiePikachu: Unnammed Sabertooth

PBS: HauntedDitto

Luminian Hoothoot/Spinarak line Battle Sprites, OWs, and icons: cubeR & KajiAtsui

Tormine: Design by WaterTrainer, sprites by KajiAtsui

Pasturlo: Designed by ZombiePikachu, battle sprites by KajiAtsui, OW by Pantastic

Brambull & Maizotaur: Designed by Axolollipop, battle sprites by KajiAtsui, OW by Pantastic

Regional Archen/Archeops: Designed by JorgeBurgos, sprited by KajiAtsui

Mindow & Slugnami: Designed by Jorgeburgos, sprited by KajiAtsui

Minamai & Marelstorm: Designed by Rattila + sprited Minamai front, other battle sprites by KajiAtsui, OWs by Pantastic

PBS: HauntedDitto & NocTurn

Credits for this folder go entirely to Magiscarf on DA and their large free use fakemon dex.

Gen 4 Battlers & Gen 8 Icons were done by KajiAtsui

Emiery/Idilio: Voenian Persian, Kudo, Voenian Luxray
KajiAtsui: Doechi, EarthBeetle, Dusclops, Duskerrif

PBS: HauntedDitto

I based a lot of these sprites off of art created by other artists, if you use any of them please be sure to credit the correct people accordingly!

Jess Jackdaw (Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessjackdaw?lang=en , Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JessJackdaw/) designed and drew the following Pokemon:
- Amacorala
- Solacor
- Dunymph
- Dunrago
- Gireamer
- Nitemarig
- Egoelk
- Moosid
- Suprago

Travis on the PokeCommunity forums did the excellent backsprites for Nitemarig and Gireamer, because I find backspriting to be a generally miserable endeavor.

WolfPP on the PokeCommunity Discord did ALL of the beautiful overworld sprites!!

Nimbeon and Titaneon came from an anonymous "leak" of new Eeveelutions that were supposedly going to be in Sword+Shield. Of course, it was a hoax, but still great designs. If anyone knows who the artist is, please let me know so I can credit them accordingly!

The non-fakemon sprites are either ones I did for practice or because I felt like the original sprites were boring. They're mostly inspired by art from Pokemon cards.

WolfPP, Travis, Wednesday, and many others on the PokeCommunity Discord provided helpful feedback and criticism to help a lot of these sprites be great.

Sprites by Justin Nuggets with some slight modifications by Piacarrot.

All sprites and designs in this folder belong to PrincessPhoenix

Credit for gen 8 icons goes to KajiAtsui

Drashimi follower sprite by NedCarr21

Merlicun follower sprite by Pantastic

anonscribbler: Regional Diglett/Dugtrio Designs
Scotsman333: All other sprites/designs in this folder

Mechamudskipper: Capricorn, Crusect, Tarantima

Xapling was created by JWNutz and sprited by mechanicalape464

Mega Arcanine, Mismagius, Scrafty, and corrupted Uxie were all made by AnonAlpaca for the Pokemon Parallax project

Mega Machamp: Leparagon & PurpleZaffre for administration

Mega Barbacle & Pansimi: Nuclear Omega & PurpleZaffre for administration

Pilfetch & Criminalis: AceTrainerAvery

Sandy Castform, Kanga, and Rotom Camera belong to the Splice team. I.e. Thundaga, Voltseon, TristantineTheGreat, Kristiano100

Baulder, Crator, Deember, Dredrock, Lavare, Lavee, Nymbi,Tekagon: SmileyFakemon for designs, TheGreatZeKro for the spritework

Regional Mawile & Sableye by Voltseon

PBS: HauntedDitto & Voltseon (for regional Sableye & Mawile)
First release
Last update


4.75 star(s) 16 ratings

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Latest reviews

This is such a good resource. I used a lot of the creations, sometimes even a few pieces. I love it.
Really good fakemon. How can i put them in my game?
Thank you so much for this pack! To share this is very helpful. Do you know the best place to attempt to contact the artists to commission some unfinished bits? I would rather they get first dibs on their creation.
Yeah, I'm definitely gonna use some of these for my upcoming ROM hack.
Name: Undecided
Game: Ruby
Story: Altered A LOT
They are all incredible. I want to use PASTURLO, BRAMBULL and MAIZOTAUR in my fangame. Does anyone know where could I have backsprites for them?, because they aren´t in this pack.
I love the fakemon but could some figure out how to turn the monsters from the RPG 19. program into fake Pokemon cause that would be so very cool to see added to this and also helpful too
This is a very useful resource, and I'm using some of these in my first game (my second game will have completely original fakemon and regional forms). However, I do wish that more mons had backsprites, especially full body backsprites for games that use Elite Battle DX. Otherwise, I recommend this to anyone who wants to have fakemon in their first game, especially if it is a smaller one and they struggle with making their own sprites, like mine.
the only thing that would make this better is me buying the sushi fakemon lmao.

jokes aside, really awesome project and I'm excited to use some of them in my own mini projects. props to nocturn and everyone else involved!
These are all very cool but the ones by Scotsman's are not the usual size aka 192 by 192, it makes those pokemon quite a bit smaller than others.
Hey there! Scotsman's sprites are actually made for gen 5 styled games, I've actually just updated their dimensions according in the pack. They're 96x96 meaning the dimensions when you enlarge them are going to be bigger than usual. I'll clarify that in the pack for everyone's future reference, sorry for the confusion!
Amazing resource all sprites are high quality and i cant wait to get to use these amazing sprites