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Battle Size Options

v21.1 Battle Size Options 2022-05-20

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖

Simple little add-on that lets players choose between Singles, Doubles, or Triples in the Options menu!
Plugin is made for v20/v21, code for v18/v19 is included in this post​


Can be pasted in a new script section above Main, or can be downloaded as a plugin here.
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class PokemonSystem
  attr_accessor :battlesize
  alias oldinitialize initialize

  def initialize
    @battlesize    = 0     # Battle size (0 = single, 1 = double 2 = triple)

MenuHandlers.add(:options_menu, :text_input_style, {
  "name"        => _INTL("Battle Size"),
  "order"       => 55,
  "type"        => EnumOption,
  "parameters"  => [_INTL("Single"), _INTL("Double"), _INTL("Triple")],
  "description" => _INTL("Choose the size battles are fought in."),
  "get_proc"    => proc { next $PokemonSystem.battlesize },
  "set_proc"    => proc { |value, _scene| $PokemonSystem.battlesize = value }

EventHandlers.add(:on_trainer_load, :battle_size_option,
  proc { |trainer|
    if !$game_temp.battle_rules["size"] && trainer
    case $PokemonSystem.battlesize
      when 1
          setBattleRule("double") if pbCanDoubleBattle?
      when 2
          setBattleRule("triple") if pbCanTripleBattle?
          setBattleRule("double") if !pbCanTripleBattle? && pbCanDoubleBattle?

For v18/v19, I had written out instructions to add it directly to the Options script.
A few steps to putting in this one, but nothing especially complicated!

In UI_Options (PScreen_Options in earlier versions), right at the top-
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class PokemonSystem
  attr_accessor :textspeed
  attr_accessor :battlescene
  attr_accessor :battlestyle
  attr_accessor :frame
  attr_writer   :textskin
  attr_accessor :font
  attr_accessor :screensize
  attr_writer   :border
  attr_writer   :language
  attr_writer   :runstyle
  attr_writer   :bgmvolume
  attr_writer   :sevolume
  attr_writer   :textinput
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  attr_accessor :battlesize

Below that:
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  def initialize
    @textspeed   = 1     # Text speed (0=slow, 1=normal, 2=fast)
    @battlescene = 0     # Battle effects (animations) (0=on, 1=off)
    @battlestyle = 0     # Battle style (0=switch, 1=set)
    @frame       = 0     # Default window frame (see also $TextFrames)
    @textskin    = 0     # Speech frame
    @font        = 0     # Font (see also $VersionStyles)
    @screensize  = (SCREEN_ZOOM.floor).to_i   # 0=half size, 1=full size, 2=double size
    @border      = 0     # Screen border (0=off, 1=on)
    @language    = 0     # Language (see also LANGUAGES in script PokemonSystem)
    @runstyle    = 0     # Run key functionality (0=hold to run, 1=toggle auto-run)
    @bgmvolume   = 100   # Volume of background music and ME
    @sevolume    = 100   # Volume of sound effects
    @textinput   = 0     # Text input mode (0=cursor, 1=keyboard)

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    @battlesize  = 0     # Battle size (0 = single, 1 = double)

Further down, below
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       EnumOption.new(_INTL("Battle Effects"),[_INTL("On"),_INTL("Off")],
         proc { $PokemonSystem.battlescene },
         proc { |value| $PokemonSystem.battlescene = value }
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       EnumOption.new(_INTL("Battle Size"),[_INTL("Single"),_INTL("Double"),_INTL("Triple")],
         proc { $PokemonSystem.battlesize },
         proc { |value| $PokemonSystem.battlesize = value }

If you want to take Triple off the table, just remove ",_INTL("Triple")"

This last part can technically be put in any section, but I think it's best to put in PField_EncounterModifiers, with similar scripts-
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Events.onTrainerPartyLoad += proc { |_sender, e|
  if $PokemonTemp.battleRules["size"] == nil && e[0]
  case $PokemonSystem.battlesize
    when 1
        setBattleRule("double") if pbCanDoubleBattle?
    when 2
        setBattleRule("triple") if pbCanTripleBattle?
        setBattleRule("double") if !pbCanTripleBattle? && pbCanDoubleBattle?

Using the code​

You can overwrite the player's choice of battle size with the standard setBattleRule command!

If either the player or the opponent doesn't have enough Pokémon for a full side, then the battle will go down a size. For example, if the player has Triple battles turned on, but they only have two Pokémon that can fight, they'll fight opponents in a Double Battle.

Todo List​

Potentially, adjust this so that the option for doubles and triples doesn't even appear if the player doesn't have enough Pokémon. It was awkward when I tried to set that up, though, and it's not really necessary.
Credit to TechSkylander1518, please!
First release
Last update


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  1. v20 Update

    Quick update for v20! Plugin version now included as well.