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Simple item crafting system + interface

v20.1 Simple item crafting system + interface 1.2.2

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
This Plugin saved me a ton of time! And it works perfectly as far as I can tell
Are recipes unlockable or they are all unloncked from the begginning? It would be nice if they get unlockeable as you get them.
I talk about how to do that in the Discussion section. Feel free to DM me or leave a comment if you can't work it out.
This is fun but im wondering if we can craft multiple items from one ingredient for example getting 6 shards from 1 star piece
Hello! That's currently not possible, but you're not the first person to ask me if it is. I'll see if I can implement this. Keep an eye out for future updates!
Outstanding plugin, fantastic for my Mega Stone crafting