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Pokémon Fainting Cries - v19

Pokémon Fainting Cries - v19 18.1

Pokémon Essentials Version
v19.1 ➖
You know in the Mainline games, Pikachu and Eevee have their Anime Cries, and that when they faint, they have a unique cry for that. This simple little addition will allow you to add a Faint Cry for any Pokémon!

Go to PokeBattle_SceneAnimations and find the section labeled "# Shows a Pokémon fainting" and within that section, find the part labeled "# Play cry" and replace it with this:
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    # Play cry
    delay = 10
    cry = GameData::Species.cry_filename_from_pokemon(batSprite.pkmn)
    faint_cry = GameData::Species.faint_cry_filename_from_pokemon(batSprite.pkmn)
    if faint_cry
      battler.setSE(0, faint_cry, nil, 100)   # 100 is pitch
      delay = GameData::Species.cry_length(batSprite.pkmn) * 20 / Graphics.frame_rate
    elsif cry
      battler.setSE(0, cry, nil, 70)
      delay = GameData::Species.cry_length(batSprite.pkmn) * 20 / Graphics.frame_rate

It should look like this once you've pasted it:

Go to Species_Files and find the section starting with "def self.cry_filename_from_pokemon(pkmn)"
Underneat that section, paste this section of code.
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    # Faint Cry Filenames
    def self.check_faint_cry_file(species, form)
      species_data = self.get_species_form(species, form)
      return nil if species_data.nil?
      if form > 0
        ret = sprintf("Cries/%s_%d_F", species_data.species, form)
        return ret if pbResolveAudioSE(ret)
      ret = sprintf("Cries/%s_F", species_data.species)
      return (pbResolveAudioSE(ret)) ? ret : nil
    def self.faint_cry_filename(species, form = 0)
      return self.check_faint_cry_file(species, form)
    def self.faint_cry_filename_from_pokemon(pkmn)
      return self.check_faint_cry_file(pkmn.species, pkmn.form)

It should look like this once you've pasted it:

And that is the Installation Process complete.

EBDX Installation
Perform the previous Installation and then start in your Project's Root Folder and go to the directory: "\Plugins\Elite Battle DX\[000] Scripts\Battle Scene Animations\" and open Animation Core.rb in a Text Editor like Notepad or Notepad++
Find "# play cry" and the line underneath, "playBattlerCry(@battlers[pkmn.index])", replace them with this:
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    # play cry
    faint_cry = GameData::Species.faint_cry_filename_from_pokemon(pkmn)
    if faint_cry

And that is the EBDX Installation Process complete.

Debug File Renamer Edit
In "Debug_MenuSpriteRenamer", find the section of code that begins with "Debug_MenuSpriteRenamer" and replace it with the following code:
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  def convert_pokemon_cries(src_dir)
    return if !FileTest.directory?(src_dir)
    # generates a list of all audio files
    files = readDirectoryFiles(src_dir, ["*.wav", "*.mp3", "*.ogg"])
    # starts automatic renaming
    files.each_with_index do |file, i|
      Graphics.update if i % 100 == 0
      pbSetWindowText(_INTL("Converting Pokémon cries {1}/{2}...", i, files.length)) if i % 50 == 0
      #Faint Cries
      if file[/^(\d+)FCry[^\.]*\.([^\.]*)$/]
        species_number = $~[1].to_i
        extension = $~[2]
        form = (file[/FCry_(\d+)\./]) ? sprintf("_%s", $~[1]) : ""
        species_data = GameData::Species.try_get(species_number)
        raise _INTL("Species {1} is not defined (trying to rename species cry {2}).", species_number, file) if !species_data
        species = species_data.id.to_s
        File.move(src_dir + file, src_dir + species + form + "_F." + extension)
      #Normal Cries
      elsif file[/^(\d+)Cry[^\.]*\.([^\.]*)$/]
        species_number = $~[1].to_i
        extension = $~[2]
        form = (file[/Cry_(\d+)\./]) ? sprintf("_%s", $~[1]) : ""
        species_data = GameData::Species.try_get(species_number)
        raise _INTL("Species {1} is not defined (trying to rename species cry {2}).", species_number, file) if !species_data
        species = species_data.id.to_s
        File.move(src_dir + file, src_dir + species + form + "." + extension)

And now you should be able to rename v18 Faint Cry Files using the Debug Menu.

How to use
Name your cry Audio File "SPECIES_F" with whatever File Extension you are using.
Put your cry in Audio\SE\Cries, no need to create any new folders.

Pikachu and Eevee Cries
You should also check this Resource out, it supplies you with LGPE Cries for Pikachu and Eevee!
Vena Cava
Golisopod User - Allowing for Normal Cries if no Faint Cry File and EBDX Compatibility
Vena Cava
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Updated to v19

    Updated to work with v19 and EBDX v19