• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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Pokemon Glacier Shards Resource Pack

Pokemon Glacier Shards Resource Pack V0.1

The collection of resources that were used to make Pokemon Glacier Shards during the Winter Game Jam 2
- Magiscarf

  • Phyromatical
  • EvoLina
  • Zetavares852

  • Ralandel
  • Phyromatical

  • ThatsSoWitty
  • Kyle-Dove
  • Speedialga
  • Alucus
  • Spacemotion
  • Pokemon-Diamond
  • Kizemaru-Kurunosuke
  • EpicDay
  • Thurpok
  • UltimoSpriter
  • Dewitty
  • MinorThreat0987
  • TyranitarDark
  • Heavy-Metal-Lover
  • kaitoooo
  • WesleyFG
  • BoOmxBiG
  • CrimsonTakai

  • Kyle-Dove
  • Heavy-Metal-Lover
  • WesleyFG
  • Dewitty
  • Zetavares852
  • XDinky
  • Newtiteuf
  • Alucus
  • Erma96
  • Hydrargirium
  • Poison-Master
  • Thedeadheroalistair
  • Shutwig
  • Asdsimone
  • Xxdevil
  • Steinnaples
  • Hek-el-grande
  • sylver1984
  • NikNak93
  • TeaAddition
  • Cuddlesthefatcat
  • Magiscarf
  • Gigatom
  • The-Red-Ex
  • ChaoticCherryCake

  • Zeo
  • Pablus94

- Alolan Overworlds - Princess-Pheonix, Larryturbo, Kidkatt, Zender1752, SageDeoxys

- Custom fogs - Heisenman

- Custom Battle backgrounds - Carchagui & tweaked by me

DS Style Gen 6 Sprites
  • MrDollSteak - Everything except what's listed below
  • Chaos Rush - For allowing me to continue the DS-Style 64x64 Pokemon Sprite Resource, Arceus-Fairy, Bergmite Front, Goodra Back, Talonflame Front Basis
  • Layell - Permission to use sprites from the mogon XY Sprite Project, QC on various sprites from the XY Sprite Project, Vivillon Front, Mega Absol Front, Espurr Front
  • Spherical Ice - Litleo, Hawlucha, Dragalge Front, Binacle Front, Mega Beedrill Front, QC on Delphox
  • leparagon - Sylveon Front, Mega Alakazam, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Blaziken front, Mega Swampert Back, Mega Latias, Mega Latios, Mega Lopunny, QC on Mega Swampert
  • princessofmusic - Flabebe Front, Floette Front and Florges Front, Klefki Front, Espurr Front, Pangoro Front, Slurpuff Front
  • Sky High - Mega Salamence, Diancie Back, Vivillon Icon, Pyroar Male Icon, Dedenne Icon, Xerneas Icon, Zygarde Icon, Diancie Icon, Hoopa Icon, Hoopa Unbound Icon, Volcanion Icon
  • Wobblebuns - Pumpkaboo Fronts, Helioptile Front, Goomy Front, Sliggoo Front, Mega Kangaskhan Baby, Espurr Front, Pangoro Front, Slurpuff Front
  • Redrooster - Diggersby Front, Barbaracle Front, Meowstic Male and Female Front
  • N-Kin - Froakie Front, Pancham Front, Malamar Front, Hoopa Front, Volcanion Front, Amaura Front
  • Zerudez - Chesnaught Front, Fletchinder Front, Mega Manectric Front
  • SupahSnivy - Fennekin Front, Carbink Front
  • Branflakes325 - Pangoro Front, Aegislash Front
  • Legitimate Username - Aegislash Front, Diancie Front, Mega Garchomp Front
  • aXl - Braixen Front, Doublade Front, Hoopa Unbound Front, Mega Sableye Front, Mega Aggron Front
  • Superjub - Sylveon Back
  • Cynda - Mega Swampert, Trevenant Front
  • Seiku88 - Gogoat Front
  • Gexeys - Amaura Front
  • al199288 - Fletchinder Back
  • Sleet - Skrelp Front
  • BlackWhiteRobin - Mega Blastoise Back
  • The Cynical Poet - Mega Slowbro Front
  • Noscium - Furfrou Front
  • Tayub1221 - Aurorus Front
  • SSJ4 Furanki - Noivern Front Basis, Skiddo Basis
  • Arkeis - Aromatisse Front
  • Quanyails - Honedge Front, Volcanion Back, Mega Absol Front, Espurr Front
  • Orchid - Volcanion Back
  • GeoisEvil - Dedenne Front
  • Wyverii - Xerneas Front
  • Vale98PM - Zygarde Front
  • thedarkdragon11 - Hoopa Back, Volcanion Front, Mega Garchomp Front
  • TrainerSplash - Hoopa Unbound Front
  • Falgaia - Avalugg Front
  • MilanesaCosmic - Mega Manectric Front
  • Fridave - Bunnelby Front, QC on Mega Houndoom and Greninja
  • Versekr Dark - Mega Garchomp Back
  • Nordk - Phantump Basis
  • Hoenn - Clauncher Front Basis
  • GOLDstandard - Delphox Front Basis
  • Z-GynoroP - Resized Avalugg front
  • HeXeR - QC on Mega Metagross Back
  • Doesntknowhowtoplay - Fennekin Icon, Braixen Icon, Delphox Icon, Fletchling Icon, Fletchinder Icon
  • Thundrake - Pancham Icon, Helioptile Icon, Heliolisk Icon, Carbink Icon, Hawlucha Icon, Avalugg Icon, Noibat Icon, Noivern Icon
  • orly32123 - Dragalge Icon
  • Criminon - QC on Greninja and Mega Blastoise
  • Slowpoke13 - QC on Chesnaught, Litleo and Pyroar
  • Soloo993 - QC on Quilladin, Pancham, Espurr and Sylveon
  • Dursem - QC on Noivern
  • Bozster - Mega Aggron Front Basis
First release
Last update


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