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Apricorn Tree Charsets (With Animation)

Tiles Apricorn Tree Charsets (With Animation) 2017-04-18

This resource consists, or mainly consists, of tiles.
An old ressource that I personally use in my game und wanted to share with you. This Charset contains graphics for the overworld apricorn-tree, ready for animation. That means, if the player is picking up a apricorn, the tree will shake and drop a apricorn towards the player. For those who can't imagine what I mean, I provided a simple gif to show you how the animation looks like:


In order to work correctly, each apricorn-type has four charsets: Each for every direction the player is facing (You know, if the player is facing up, the apricorn should drop towards the player and not in a different direction).

The animation contains 16 frames, so the Apricorn-Event can be very long. I recommened using Common Events for the animation, so you don't have to copy it over and over. An example of the setup looks like this: Click
It positions the event on the first frame (Just in case). After that the tree is shaking two times (Switching between the second and third frame) and afterwards it's going through the remaining frames.
You'll need this for every direction the player is facing. In this example the player is facing up.

It's important that you set the Event to "Direction fix" to prevent it from suddenly changing it's frame.

Finally you put the rest of the event: Showing messages, giving the item and activating a 24 hour delay to "regrown" the tree.

I hope you enjoy the apricorn trees. I know the shadow is a little bit off, I will eventually fix this later. Comments and feedback are appreciated.
No Credits needed.
First release
Last update


4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest reviews

while not the most amazing resource ever, it is a welcome addition to the Pokemon Essentials list of Mechanics, especially if you want a HGSS tone to your fan game.