- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v20.1 ➖
My quest for more overworld moves continues with Bounce! This lets the player use Bounce to get the ability to jump over the tile directly in front of them! (Provided they can stand on the next tile, of course)
Paste in a new script section above Main, or download as a plugin here.
module Settings
class PokemonMapMetadata
attr_accessor :bounceUsed
alias oldclear clear
def clear
@bounceUsed = false
HiddenMoveHandlers::CanUseMove.add(:BOUNCE, proc { |move, pkmn, showmsg|
#next false if !pbCheckHiddenMoveBadge(Settings::BADGE_FOR_BOUNCE, showmsg)
if $PokemonMap.bounceUsed
pbMessage(_INTL("Bounce is already being used.")) if showmsg
next false
next true
HiddenMoveHandlers::UseMove.add(:BOUNCE, proc { |move, pokemon|
if !pbHiddenMoveAnimation(pokemon)
pbMessage(_INTL("{1} used {2}!\1", pokemon.name, GameData::Move.get(move).name))
pbMessage(_INTL("Bounce made it possible to jump using the ALT key!"))
$PokemonMap.bounceUsed = true
next true
class Scene_Map
def update
loop do
break unless $game_temp.player_transferring
break if $game_temp.transition_processing
if $game_temp.title_screen_calling
$game_temp.title_screen_calling = false
$scene = pbCallTitle
if $game_temp.transition_processing
$game_temp.transition_processing = false
if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" + $game_temp.transition_name)
return if $game_temp.message_window_showing
if !pbMapInterpreterRunning?
if Input.trigger?(Input::USE)
$game_temp.interact_calling = true
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::ACTION)
unless $game_system.menu_disabled || $game_player.moving?
$game_temp.menu_calling = true
$game_temp.menu_beep = true
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::SPECIAL)
unless $game_player.moving?
$game_temp.ready_menu_calling = true
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::ALT) && $PokemonMap.bounceUsed
facingtile = $map_factory.getFacingTile($game_player.direction,$game_player)
unless $game_player.moving? || $game_map.counter?(facingtile[1],facingtile[2])
frombridge = $game_player.terrain_tag.bridge
fromsurf = $PokemonGlobal&.surfing
nexttile = $map_factory.getFacingTile($game_player.direction, $game_player, 2)
nextterrain = $map_factory.getTerrainTag(nexttile[0],nexttile[1],nexttile[2])
cancelsurf = !nextterrain.can_surf
if pbJumpToward(2, true, cancelsurf)
pbBridgeOff if frombridge && !$game_player.terrain_tag.bridge
$scene.spriteset.addUserAnimation(Settings::DUST_ANIMATION_ID, $game_player.x, $game_player.y, true, 1) unless $game_player.terrain_tag.can_surf
$game_player.check_event_trigger_here([1, 2])
elsif Input.press?(Input::F9)
$game_temp.debug_calling = true if $DEBUG
unless $game_player.moving?
if $game_temp.menu_calling
elsif $game_temp.debug_calling
elsif $game_temp.ready_menu_calling
$game_temp.ready_menu_calling = false
elsif $game_temp.interact_calling
$game_temp.interact_calling = false
Part of this script does overwrite the update command for the Scene_Map class. If you're concerned about any incompatibilities, you can just add the top half of the script (everything above
class Scene_Map
), and add this part in the script section Scene_Map, right above elsif Input.press?(Input::F9)
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::ALT) && $PokemonMap.bounceUsed
facingtile = $map_factory.getFacingTile($game_player.direction,$game_player)
unless $game_player.moving? || $game_map.counter?(facingtile[1],facingtile[2])
frombridge = $game_player.terrain_tag.bridge
fromsurf = $PokemonGlobal&.surfing
nexttile = $map_factory.getFacingTile($game_player.direction, $game_player, 2)
nextterrain = $map_factory.getTerrainTag(nexttile[0],nexttile[1],nexttile[2])
cancelsurf = !nextterrain.can_surf
if pbJumpToward(2, true, cancelsurf)
pbBridgeOff if frombridge && !$game_player.terrain_tag.bridge
$scene.spriteset.addUserAnimation(Settings::DUST_ANIMATION_ID, $game_player.x, $game_player.y, true, 1) unless $game_player.terrain_tag.can_surf
$game_player.check_event_trigger_here([1, 2])
There is no v19 version of this script, as I didn't get around to updating it before v20 came out. I currently do not have plans to offer v19 support.
The v18 version of this script involved a lot of weird changes to the base scripts and, of all things, a common event on top of it all. I really don't recommend using it now, but it's left here for posterity.
There's a few steps to this process!
In PField_Field, add this to the bottom:
In PField_FieldMoves, add this at the bottom:
Go to PField_Metadata and find:
Below that, add:
Right before "end", add
And one final step: Create a common event set to parallel process. It should just run pbBounce, and its condition switch should be something you intend to leave On, like access to the PokeDex.
(Apologies for this step- I know it's really weird, but when I playtested without this, sometimes the functionality would cut out, and this was the only fix I could find.)
In PField_Field, add this to the bottom:
# Bounce
def pbBounce
new_x = $game_player.x + ($game_player.direction == 6 ? 1 : $game_player.direction == 4 ? -1 : 0)
new_y = $game_player.y + ($game_player.direction == 2 ? 1 : $game_player.direction == 8 ? -1 : 0)
if Input.trigger?(Input::ALT) && !$PokemonGlobal.surfing &&
!$game_player.moving? && !$game_system.map_interpreter.running? &&
!PBTerrain.isBridge?(pbGetTerrainTag($game_player)) && $PokemonMap.bounceUsed &&
!$game_map.counter?(new_x, new_y)
if !PBTerrain.isBridge?(pbFacingTerrainTag)
if pbJumpToward(2,true)
if !PBTerrain.isGrass?($game_map.terrain_tag($game_player.x,$game_player.y)) && !pbGetEnvironment==PBEnvironment::Cave
In PField_FieldMoves, add this at the bottom:
# Bounce
HiddenMoveHandlers::CanUseMove.add(:BOUNCE,proc { |move,pkmn,showmsg|
if $PokemonMap.bounceUsed
pbMessage(_INTL("Bounce is already being used.")) if showmsg
next false
if $PokemonGlobal.surfing
pbMessage(_INTL("Can't do that while surfing.")) if showmsg
next false
next true
HiddenMoveHandlers::UseMove.add(:BOUNCE,proc { |move,pokemon|
if !pbHiddenMoveAnimation(pokemon)
pbMessage(_INTL("{1} used {2}!",pokemon.name,PBMoves.getName(move)))
pbMessage(_INTL("{1} made it possible to jump with the Alt key!",pokemon.name))
next true
Go to PField_Metadata and find:
class PokemonMapMetadata
attr_reader :erasedEvents
attr_reader :movedEvents
attr_accessor :strengthUsed
attr_accessor :blackFluteUsed
attr_accessor :whiteFluteUsed
attr_accessor :bounceUsed
def clear
@erasedEvents = {}
@movedEvents = {}
@strengthUsed = false
@blackFluteUsed = false
@whiteFluteUsed = false
@bounceUsed = false
And one final step: Create a common event set to parallel process. It should just run pbBounce, and its condition switch should be something you intend to leave On, like access to the PokeDex.
(Apologies for this step- I know it's really weird, but when I playtested without this, sometimes the functionality would cut out, and this was the only fix I could find.)
I chose Alt for jumping, because it's near the space bar but isn't already used for anything else. Unfortunately, I'm not especially familiar with adding controls in v20, but you can look in the section Input to see what's already defined, or check out the wiki's articles on Controls. (I think you could also change it to triggerex?
to check for a specific key, but I'm not sure that would acknowledge any keybindings)If Bounce is used to jump from a bridge tile to a non-bridge tile, it will assume that you're jumping off the bridge, and run pbBridgeOff. (You may want to make your bridge on/off events 2x2 tiles, so players can't jump over them)
Bounce can be used while surfing. The player can jump from sea to land, but not from land to sea.
Bounce doesn't let the player jump across a counter, but if you'd like to add that, just comment out
|| $game_map.counter?(facingtile[1],facingtile[2])
.Poisoned Pokémon will still take damage, and wild encounters can still be triggered if the player lands in grass or a cave. Egg will still have their steps decreased by jumps, but it will only be by one.
If the player lands on any player touch/event touch events (including jumping into the line of sight of an event), the event will still trigger.
Bounce does not require any badges, but you can change that by editing the BADGE_FOR_BOUNCE value at the top and uncommenting the line
next false if !pbCheckHiddenMoveBadge(Settings::BADGE_FOR_BOUNCE, showmsg)
.I chose Alt for jumping, because it's near the space bar but isn't already used for anything else. If you want to change that, it's easy to just look in PSystem_Control and see what other keys are already programmed, or use Marin's tutorial on adding input keys to add more.
Bounce can't be used while surfing, to jump across a counter, or while on a bridge. (You can still jump under bridges, though) You can jump over a trainer's line of sight, but if you land in front of them, they will see you. Poisoned Pokémon will still take damage, and wild encounters can still be triggered if the player lands in grass or a cave. Egg will still have their steps decreased by jumps, but it will only be by one.
The player will still trigger events that they land on, provided that they're intended to be stepped on and not like, NPCs or item balls or the like.
Bounce can't be used while surfing, to jump across a counter, or while on a bridge. (You can still jump under bridges, though) You can jump over a trainer's line of sight, but if you land in front of them, they will see you. Poisoned Pokémon will still take damage, and wild encounters can still be triggered if the player lands in grass or a cave. Egg will still have their steps decreased by jumps, but it will only be by one.
The player will still trigger events that they land on, provided that they're intended to be stepped on and not like, NPCs or item balls or the like.
When to give the player Bounce
When the player receives Bounce, they're going to be given a way around a lot of obstacles. Not only will Bounce make Cut and Rock Smash near-obsolete, it will also let them skip past trainers and ledges, as well as possibly giving them ways around Strength and Ice Puzzles. Because of this, I personally recommend you give Bounce to the player in the postgame, so your whole game doesn't become a cakewalk. (Alternatively, if you want to let them use Bounce in battle but not in the overworld, you could add in another switch to control when they're allowed to use it, like a gym badge)There's another issue with Bounce- The player can use Bounce to jump over tiles that would trigger a roadblock event.
Little bit of an update - Essentials v19 now lets you set events to be bigger than just one tile, so this shouldn't be an issue anymore! If you're using an earlier version, you could make a border with my Better Barriers script to do something similar!
Known Issues
- If you jump into grass/a cave and an encounter starts, the dust cloud animation will still be going when you exit the battle.
- Jumping behind a large object like a building can look a bit clippy. I also recommend giving the tiles below the top row of the building increased priority, so the player doesn't clip through those.
- I had a problem earlier where jumping out of grass could still trigger an encounter. As far as I know, that has been fixed, but let me know if you encounter it!
Ideas with Bounce
For the most part, Bounce will kind of serve as this catch-all field move, but there's some things you could do to make it more unique!- Get rid of my check for the counter, and let the player hop over whatever counters they want! Maybe there's a secret backroom in the PokéMart, or they can watch someone else fighting in a battle facility!
- Create events that work as projectiles and let the player jump over them! Maybe a Fire-type legendary spits fireballs at you, and you have to get past them to be able to battle it!
- We all know about holes to let the player fall through to the floor below, but why not let the player jump over safety railings to fall somewhere unique? Just put an event on the other side of some guardrails!
Future Goals
Bouncing while surfing needs a lot of touching up. There seems to be a bug when directly facing a land tile - you'll jump off your base and onto shore, and then jump again. The base also jumps with you if you're I'd also like to improve the visuals of it more - add a splash animation when landing like when jumping on land, and maybe create a "jumping surf base" spriteNeed to playtest this with the Overworld Shadows script and see how it looks.
I'd like to figure out a way to let players interact with events in mid-air. Jumping usually ignores events, unfortunately, so it's not as simple as just making them player touch and check if they're jumping.
I might need to do some more work with tiles with increased priority. Like, here -
The player can jump over these beams, because there's only one tile that's actually impassable. But it makes it look like they're just phasing through them.
Looking for more field moves?
- Weather-summoning moves
- Extreme Speed
- Camouflage
- Recovery moves
- Move Reminder Field Move
- Sketch
- Future Sight
- Credits
- Credits to TechSkylander1518, please!