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Pokemon Terrain Step Sounds 1

Pokémon Essentials Version
v18.1 ➖
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# PE Terrain Step Sounds
# Version 1
# by Enurta
  :name => "Terain Sounds",
  :version => "1.0",
  :credits => ["Enurta","gameguy"],
# Create nice aesthetics with terrain noise. As you walk across grass or sand,
# let it play a beautiful noise to add to the atmosphere and realism of the
# game.
# Features:
# Specific Sound for Each Terrain and Tileset
# Specify Volume and Pitch
# Instructions:
# Setup the config below, its pretty self explanatory, more instructions
# with config.
module PETS
Tag = []
Tileset  = []
# Enter in sounds for each terrain tag
# Goes from 0-15 for Pokemon Essentials. Terrain Tag 1 won't be used as it is already coded within essentials.
# Each terrain type is in the array below.
# You can specify the sound file, the volume, and pitch of the file.
# Tag[2] = [["Filename",volume,pitch]
# Filename - Replace with the name of the file that you want to use
# Volume - 0-100; higher is louder
# Pitch - 50-150; lower is deeper
# If volume and pitch are not specified they will default to 100 for both.
Tag[0] = ["se_step_default",100,100] # Nothing
Tag[2] = ["se_step_grass"] # Grass
Tag[3] = ['se_step_run_dirt'] # Sand
Tag[4] = [] # Rock
Tag[5] = [] # Deep Water
Tag[6] = [] # Still Water
Tag[7] = [] # Water
Tag[8] = [] # Waterfall
Tag[9] = [] # Waterrfal Crest
Tag[10] = [] # Tall Grass
Tag[11] = [] # Underwater Grass
Tag[12] = [] # Ice
Tag[13] = [] # Neutral
Tag[14] = [] # Sootgrass
Tag[15] = [] # Bridge
# With tilesets, you can set specific sounds for each tileset so you don't
# have the same sounds. Add a new line and put
# Tilesets[tileset id] = []
# Then for each terrain put
# Tilesets[tileset id][terrain id] = "sound file"
# If a sound doesn't exist for a tileset, it will play a default sound,
# if a default doesn't exist, no sound at all.
# Game Map
class Game_Map
  attr_accessor :map
# Event that triggers the sound
Events.onStepTakenFieldMovement += proc { |_sender,e|
  event = e[0] # Get the event affected by field movement
  if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) && event==$game_player && !$PokemonGlobal.bicycle
    step_sound = PETS::Tag[pbGetTerrainTag(event)]
    if PETS::Tileset[$game_map.map.tileset_id] != nil # Prevents crashing
    unless PETS::Tileset[$game_map.map.tileset_id][pbGetTerrainTag(event)] == nil
      step_sound = PETS::Tileset[$game_map.map.tileset_id][pbGetTerrainTag(event)]
    sound = step_sound[0]
    volume = step_sound[1]
    pitch = step_sound[2]
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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This is an epic script! Easy to use and it makes your game so alive!