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  • Eevee Expo's webhost has been having technical issues since Nov. 20th and you might be unable to connect to our site. Staff are also facing issues connecting, so please send a DM to Cat on-site or through Discord directly for faster service!
Showdown to Essentials Converter (Old)

Showdown to Essentials Converter (Old) 3.2.3

  • Fixed missing DEF tag (Found by @Snewper)
  • Added ability to use custom Pokeball IDs (Request by @Snewper)
I completely fixed the generator, and now it is extremely optimized. Please update to this version as soon as you can, because it now includes a lot of bug fixes, and it contains support for the latest Pokemon Essentials.
Changes include:
  • Added Pokemon Essentials 18 Compatibility!
This was a pain to change, but I finally got it compatible with Pokemon Essentials 18. When you start up the program now, you will see a launcher, if you want to use the old one, select Pokemon Essentials 17. If you want to use the new one, select Pokemon Essentials 18. Enjoy!