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Galarian Birds & New Regis 2020-10-28

Pokémon Essentials Version
v18.1 ➖
I wanted to add the Galarian Birds, Regieleki and Regidrago to my fangame, and all I had available to me was very simple PBS data defining the new forms of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, as well as listing their abilities.

After I was done putting everything together, I figured why not share it for everyone else?

Included in the download link are 4 files.

  • One contains the pokemonforms.txt data for Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres
  • Another contains the pokemon.txt data for Regieleki and Regidrago
  • One contains the moves.txt data for Freezing Glare, Thunderous Kick, Fiery Wrath, Thunder Cage and Dragon Energy.
  • And the last contains abilities.txt data for Transistor and Dragon's Maw, as well as the script to add the abilities to your game.

I'm working with v18.1, so I don't know if the script for the abilities will work in other versions without needing to be modified.

Just copy the appropriate data into the appropriate PBS files, and copy the script for the Regi Abilities (located in "Regi Abilities.txt" into the "BattleHandlers_Abilities" script under the header "DamageCalcUserAbility handlers".

No need to credit me if you use this. Just doing my part to help out the fangame community.
No credit needed
First release
Last update


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