• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
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Deep Marsh Tiles 2020-08-16

Pokémon Essentials Version
v17.2 ➖
This script adds in Deep Marsh tiles, the annoying classic from DPPt, which cause the player to sink in and get stuck until they wiggle free.
To use it, you must create a new tile with terrain tag MarshDeep. Remember to change the number if you are already using the default 17.
There's also one other edit to "def bush_depth" in Game_Character.
This line :
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      return 12 if self.map.bush?(@x,@y) and !moving?
Becomes this line :
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      return 12 if (self.map.bush?(@x,@y) and !moving?) || (self==$game_player && $PokemonGlobal.stuck)
You could instead edit the line above in it in the same manner if you want the player to sink more into the mud. Or even just make the stuck condition on its own line to have it sink a different amount. Not gonna explain that though, it's beyond the scope of the script.
Just me!
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Last update


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