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Some Helpful Organizational/Editing Spreadsheets 1.0

Pokémon Essentials Version
Hello! I use a lot of spreadsheets in my project, and I just wanted to share some of them here!

If any of you haven't used Google Drive before, you'll need to make a Google account to use these, but that's totally free and it helps a ton to be able to access these from any device, so I strongly encourage it! C:

Sheets marked with a red disclaimer are likely to be subject to change in the near future, be it for convenience or accuracy of the default information, so it might be a good idea to wait to get started on those. But that's up to you - they are certainly still usable as they are now!

In any case, I hope these help you out!!

Organizational Spreadsheets

These ones are purely organizational, helping you get your information in order! They tend to offer useful information (for example, letting you know what TM moves a Fakemon should learn unless you have good reason to make it an exception, or helping tally up your Pokémon by type and Generation so you can find the right balance! I don't offer spreadsheets that don't have a purpose. XP

An organizer for wild encounters!
> Prefaced with a few tips and suggestions from experience!
> The encounter rates used by Pokémon Essentials for each encounter type are listed for reference!
> There exist sheets for different times of day! Your morning encounters will be copied over automatically until you adjust them, so you can quickly make any changes without having to manually redo every table.

An organizer for your regional Pokédex!
> Prefaced with a few tips and suggestions from experience!
> Points out repeats of the same Pokémon!
> Points out Pokémon that are missing evolutionary relatives!
> Recommends adding more Pokémon of a given type or from a given Generation if there is significant lack of it!

> Prefaced with a few tips and suggestions from experience!
> Points out moves Pokémon should learn by TM and tutor!
> Helps generate patterns of levels!
As of April 5th, likely to be updated soon! Some parts of this sheet are clunky and will definitely be subject to change - please be aware of this before using!

Exportable (Editing) Spreadsheets

These are more immediately useful than the organizational ones! Not only do they, like the organizational sheets, make good use of conditional formatting to make things easier on you to read, but they can be directly exported as text files for use in your game's PBS folder! The first page of each one contains any specific instructions you might need to go from the sheet to a text file (don't worry; that's all just Ctrl + F en masse - no tedious manual editing is needed once you've gotten that far!), so it's a pretty simple process and I think they're easier on the eyes than plain .txt files! C:

> Contains all of the information needed for pokemon.txt up to Generation VI (first sheet) or VII (second sheet)!
> Well-organized, labeled and frequently color-coded columns make editing much easier than on the actual text file!
> Base stat ratings (not accounting for alternate forms) allow quick statistical comparison to canon Pokémon, if you have Fakemon and need a guideline! (Just remember that stats aren't everything - that shouldn't be used religiously, just as a helpful reference!)
As of April 5th, currently being double-checked for accuracy - check back for corrections soon, or wait until it's verified! I'll also be adding a Generation V version with default Pokémon Essentials information at the same time that I update it, since that's likely to be the most accessible to beginning developers and really shouldn't be left out so arbitrarily - sorry about this!

> Features the default Pokémon Essentials list as an example for you to work off of!
> Well-organized, labeled and frequently color-coded columns make editing much easier than on the actual text file!

> Prefaced with a few tips and suggestions from experience!
> Features both the default Pokémon Essentials and canon Battle Maison lists as examples for you to work off of!
> Well-organized, labeled and frequently color-coded columns make editing much easier than on the actual text file!
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest reviews

Dude, I just keep coming back to these, so it's about time I left a review. The spreadsheets are incredible. I see myself using the Pokédex one most of the time. Thanks a whole thick bunch.