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Boon's Phenomena: BW Style Grass Rustle, Cave Dust + More

v20.1 Boon's Phenomena: BW Style Grass Rustle, Cave Dust + More 3.0.1

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖


My favourite feature of Black and White was the phenomena - random events that let you snag good items or rare Pokémon, or even just fighting Audinos for a good EXP boost. So I've created it in Essentials!

  • All 4 random events - Grass rustling, Water bubbles, Cave dust and Flying birds, complete with sound effects
  • Random item drops for caves and birds
  • Distance-based sound effect volume
  • Custom battle music option
  • No need for events - works with terrain tags (Grass, Water, Rock and a custom one for Bird locations)
  • Toggleable with a switch to protect cutscene
  • Optional settings to add chances for experience boosts, shininess, perfect IVs, hidden abilities and egg moves
  • Block areas of your map you don't want phenomena to appear, such as on the other side of rocks on a surf route!
To Install
First, download the attached zip file and extract to your game folder. It has an optional Animations.rxdata. If using the Animations, ensure RPG Maker XP is closed while replacing the rxdata file.

Configuration can be found in Plugins/Boons_Phenomena/000_Config.rb. To set up phenomena for a map, use the Debug menu and set up the encounter types. They are as follows: PhenomenonGrass, PhenomenonWater, PhenomenonCave and PhenomenonBird. The switch defined in config must be set to ON and the player must have a party for phenomena to appear.

v19 Download (unsupported - do not ask for support)
The script can be downloaded here.
v18 Download (unsupported - do not ask for support)
The script can be downloaded here.

Boonzeet | Scripts and Graphics
DaSpirit | BW Style Grass Graphic
Game Freak | Sound Effects (Pokémon Black/White) ripped by BadSamaritan
Maruno & Marin | Help with distance based sound volume
Credit if used:
Boonzeet | Scripts and Graphics
DaSpirit | BW Style Grass Graphic

Game Freak | Sound Effects (Pokémon Black/White) ripped by BadSamaritan
Maruno & Marin | Help with distance based sound volume
  • waterphenomenon.png
    87.3 KB · Views: 976
First release
Last update


4.67 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from boonzeet

Latest updates

  1. Version 3.0

    Boon's Phenomena updated to version 3.0 Features in this update: v20.1 Support Improved...
  2. Updated to version 3.0

    This version includes v19.1 support and a new feature to block inaccessible/unwanted tiles...
  3. [v18] Phenomenon: BW Style Grass Rustle, Cave Dust & More!

    This latest update contains massive performance improvements and v18 compatibility.

Latest reviews

An excellent addition to your project. The option to customize the encounters is by far my favorite feature, since it takes the basic premise of the system and goes a step further.
Works great, but keep in mind:
- Script comment says the switch DISABLES the encounter phenomena when in reality it ENABLES it
- The animation IDs for the constants do not match the IDs in the example Animations.rxdata so if you use the included one just remember that.
Good catch on both of these, my bad! Updated to fix them. Thanks for the review :)