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Quickly organizing tiles with Tiled 2020-01-30

If you were like me, you've probably been making 32x32 grids to add tiles or change positions in a tileset, and that usually takes too long if there are many tiles to do.
I found a faster way to do it.
Alternatively, if you have unformatted tiles, that follow the 32x32 or 16x16 grid, but just not RPGM XP ready, this may save you a lot of time formatting them. (Fortunately, most, if not all custom Pokémon tiles are like this!)

You'll need Tiled, which you can download here.
I'm not 100% of how Tiled works, so some parts may be wrong, but it works.

First, click "New Tileset". Give it any name, then click "Browse" and go to the tileset you want to organize. I'll use Essentials' default Outside for the example. When done, save it.

Nest, go to "File>New>New Map". Don't close the recently made tileset, as tilesets need to be open to be used in the program.
Make it 8 tiles in width and pick a height of your choosing. The height can be changed later, so don't stress much on the exact size. Make sure your tiles' size are 32 in width and height. When done, save it.

With that, the second hardest part is done. Your tileset should be appearing in a nearby window (bottom-right). You'll want to use it to draw on the map, as if you were mapping the tileset. The way Tiled works makes this process much faster.

If the result is too big/small, go to "Map>Resize Map" to change it.
Once you're done, go to "File>Export as Image" and click Export. You're done there!
When you load it in RPG Maker, it should be good to use.

I'll use boomxbig's BW-styled tiles for this part. You can get them here.
I advise you to remove the background color beforehand, if there's any.

First, click "New Tileset". Give it any name, then click "Browse" and go to the tileset you want format. This time, the tiles width and height will not always be the same. Some might be 16x16, others 32x32 pixels. You'll want to make sure your tiles width and height are the same as the tiles you want to format. In this case, they're 16x16.

When done, save it.
Next, make a new map. Same as before, 8 tiles in width and a height you can adjust later if it's too big/small. You'll also want your tiles size to match that of the tileset's, so 16x16 here as well.

Done! Now all you'll need is map the tileset. Most of the hard work is done already. Export your map as an image when you're done. (You can use multiple tilesets as well. Just make sure that they all have the same time size.)

Remember to resize after exporting, if the tiles are 16x16, or they won't be usable in RPGM XP.

TIP: Using layers can give you another helpful boost. Especially with trees. You can get more creative than that, of course.



Something really quick that I made:

Hope this helps out in some way!
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