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[PSDK] GTS + Online Panel 3.0.0 RELEASE-PSDK

  • Author Author Deleted member 1065
  • Creation date Creation date
Pokémon Essentials Version
Hi :)

I was asked to rewrite the GTS script for Essentials to PSDK so I did it. Basically it works a bit the same as the Essentials one but with some differences :
- There's currently no animation for the trades in PSDK (that part will be added in the future).
- The scripts uses the HTTPS url so it relies on HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP (preventing people from retreiving the Game code and breaking your GTS since the server does no check on the input data).
- There's a little "Loading..." text (on the clean version) that tells you the script is asking the server for data. It prevent the game from freezing during the communication since the server is a bit slow.

Download link : GTS.7z

How to install : You just need to extract the GTS.7z file in your PSDK project and it works.

How to use :
  1. Open the file scripts/00101 NuriYuri GTS clean.rb with a text editor (Notepad++, VS Code, Sublime text).
  2. Search for GAMEID = 161 and replace 161 by the Game ID the online panel gave you ( https://gts.hillstech.co/ )
  3. Search for GAME_CODE = '255' and remplace 255 by anything that doesn't contain the character '
  4. In an event, call the script command GTS.open

Known bugs
When going out of the PC UI the map displays during a short amount of time. It'll be fixed by PSDK in Alpha 24.28 (we currently are in Alpha 24.27). It's due to the fact that GamePlay::Storage overload some internal feature of GamePlay::Base which make some things incompatible.

Starting the UI takes a lot of time. It's due to the GTS server that is really slow (that's why I implemented a loading screen).

When you load a game if you didn't saved after the GTS it opens automatically. (It's due to the event state said as "triggered" in the save state since the GTS save the game during its processing).

How to remove :
  • Delete the scripts/00101 NuriYuri GTS clean.rb file.
  • Delete the Data/Text/Dialogs/8997.csv file.
  • Delete the graphics/interface/GTS folder.

Crédits : Hansiec, Manoel Afonso, A Dork of Pork and Nuri Yuri
Hansiec, Manoel Afonso, A Dork of Pork and Nuri Yuri
Deleted member 1065
First release
Last update


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