• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
  • Hi, Guest!
    Some images might be missing as we move away from using embedded images, sorry for the mess!
    From now on, you'll be required to use a third party to host images. You can learn how to add images here, and if your thread is missing images you can request them here.
    Do not use Discord to host any images you post, these links expire quickly!
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Automatic 2x Art Resizer 1.1

This has been updated to support optionally adding or removing the suffix on save, and now uses flags instead of chained arguments. This allows for working on night tilesets (which previously did not work) and generally a better method of saving.

Expand Collapse Copy
rmxp16to32 --mode sub --suffix _wip
This will look for files with the suffix _wip and save them without. e.g: interior1n_wip.png -> interior1n.png

Expand Collapse Copy
rmxp16to32 --mode add --suffix @3x --intp bilinear --scale 3.0
This will save a copy of every normal file with the suffix @3x, at a 3x bilinear smoothed scale-up.

This has been made to retain backwards compatibility so the default mode is still 'add' with '_x' suffix. No surprises for anyone using the tool for a while!