- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v17.2 ➖
My original post: Cambiar Mote desde el Equipo
Do you remember the practic Let´s Go Pikachu & Eevee's Nickname change from the Party? Well, You can add it to your Essentials 17.2 game!
First, we're going to the "PScreen_Party" Script, and search for:
And under cmdSummary = -1 we add:
Then, search pkmn = @party[pkmnid] and under:
We add:
In the same Script, we search:
And we paste under it: (show printable version to avoid errors)
Will look like this: (the photos are in spanish, because are from the original post made by me)
If its from othe Trainer:
If is yours:
This is the end of the post, I hope that you enjoy it.
If is there an error, let me know it.
See you later!
Do you remember the practic Let´s Go Pikachu & Eevee's Nickname change from the Party? Well, You can add it to your Essentials 17.2 game!
First, we're going to the "PScreen_Party" Script, and search for:
break if pkmnid<0 # Canceled
cmdEntry = -1
cmdNoEntry = -1
cmdSummary = -1
commands = []
cmdApodo = -1
commands[cmdSummary = commands.length] = _INTL("Summary")
commands[cmdApodo = commands.length] = _INTL("Change Name")
if cmdSummary>=0 && command==cmdSummary
elsif cmdApodo>=0 && command==cmdApodo
if pkmn.isForeign?($Trainer) #checks if the pokemon isnt yours, if is that the case, shows text
@scene.pbDisplay(_INTL("This Pokémon isn't yours.\nIts in memory of it's Original Trainer."))
@scene.pbDisplay(_INTL("Choose the Nickname that you want."))
speciesname = PBSpecies.getName(pkmn.species)
oldname = (pkmn.name && pkmn.name!=speciesname) ? pkmn.name : ""
newname = pbEnterPokemonName(_INTL("{1}'s nickname?",speciesname),
if newname && newname!=""
pkmn.name = newname
elsif newname="" #if the name is null, will...
pkmn.name = speciesname #...change its name from the species name
If its from othe Trainer:
If is yours:
This is the end of the post, I hope that you enjoy it.
If is there an error, let me know it.
See you later!
- Credits
- @Diego Mertens