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Meeow's Music - Free Gen 3 Styled Arrangement Pack!

Meeow's Music - Free Gen 3 Styled Arrangement Pack! 1.0

After touting my arrangements as free to use on the Eevee Expo Discord server, I realized that I'd never actually made them very well available to the community. So here I am to post them for all of you!

Included Tracks:

Viridian City (GSC Arrange)

New Bark Town
Cherrygrove City
Route 30
Azalea Town
Goldenrod City
Cianwood City
Route 26
Battle! (Silver)
Battle! (Team Rocket Grunt)
Battle! (Johto Champion)

Battle! (Hoenn Frontier Brain ~ B2W2 Arrange)

Route 201 (Day)
Sandgem Town (Night)
Oreburgh City (Day)
Hearthome City (Day and Night)
Route 210 (Day and Night)
Canalave City (Day)
Team Galactic HQ
Route 225 / Survival Area (Night)
Route 228 (Day)
Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
Battle! (Barry)
Battle! (Spear Pillar)
Battle! (Giratina)
Battle! (Champion Cynthia)
Battle! (Sinnoh Frontier Brain)
Villa Audio System ~ Bossa Nova Lilycove

Accumula Town
Mistralton City
Aspertia City
Humilau City
Battle! (Trainer)
Battle! (Champion Iris)

Heahea City (Night)

Pokémon Gym
Pokémon Center
Victory! (Gym Leader)

Pokémon TCG
Normal Duel
Club Leader Duel
Overworld / Dr. Mason's Laboratory

Pokemon TCG2
Team GR Duel

I hope you can all get some use out of them! Feel free to leave requests, feedback, and praise in the comments! Love you all <3
Arrangements © 2023-2024 Meeow's Music
Original compositions © The Pokémon Company International

Please link to https://www.youtube.com/@MeeowsMusic when using. DMs to ask permission preferred, and please share with me whatever you use these in!
First release
Last update


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