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v21.1 New Custom Modular Field Effect(deprecated) 1.0.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Also compatible with
  1. v21.1
New Custom Modular Field Effect
A foolproof field effect creating plugin. Everyone could make your very own field effect.
This time I will explain how to use this plugin.

There are three methods to start a field:
1. use "pbStartField(newField, duration, user)", for ability or item effect
2. check 002_Field_Effect_Main, def pbSetDefaultField, line 22, "[].include?($game_map.map_id)", add map id to the bracket
3. before starting a battle, script "$field = xxx", xxx is the field name.

About the field effect system:
This is a layered field system with multiple field layers. The field at the topmost layer is the currently activate one, and when the upper layer field becomes inactivate, the field located beneath it will become activate.

For simple usage, all you need is to check 001_Field_Effect_Data, copy the Example field and make your own.
I have pre-set most of the effects that I can think of, so you just need to select the ones you want.
If you encounter any problems while using it, please leave a commet.

Explain all the keys:
:field_name_bg——field name, and field background pic, check Graphics\Fieldbacks for naming format
:field_DBK_EBU_display——need DBK and Enhanced Battle UI addon
:weather_terrain_effect——activates weather or terrain when field starts
:other_weather_terrain_effect——some weather and terrain options
:block_status——no specific status
:battler_type_change——for "battler" effects, it could check species/type/ability/item/status of this battler
:battler_ability_add——multi-ability function need other plugin supported
:battler_start_switch_status——"start switch"effect is triggered when the field starts or battler switches in
:battler_start_switch_effect——NOT FINISHED
:EOR_effect_status——end of round effects
:user_target_boost——user aganists target effects
:move_target_range——these are move effects, this is, moves hit all targets(Expanding Force)
:move_priority——changes move priority, move, move type, move subtype(punching move/sound move etc.)
:move_type_change——changes move calctype
:move_type_add——adds second type when calcs dmg
:move_effect_add——NOT FINISHED
:move_change_field——NOT FINISHED
:field_change_message——NOT FINISHED

Last, have fun!
First release
Last update


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