Current version: 1.3.2
Join the Discord and share your ideas and creations!

We have opened up various graphics contributions for the next version update, do join the discord if you are interested in participating to help update the kit!
IntroductionCurrent version: 1.3.2
Join the Discord and share your ideas and creations!

We have opened up various graphics contributions for the next version update, do join the discord if you are interested in participating to help update the kit!
Pokémon Essentials GSC v1.3.2 introduces fixes and QoL updates to the pre-existing engine that is v1.3. It uses Pokémon Essentials v18.1 as a base.
The link to the original thread by Xaveriux can be found here.
- Pokémon Sprites Master Resource v1.0.0 (discontinued)
- Custom control options v1.0.0 (discontinued)
- Borders for GSC Essentials v1.3 v1.0.1 (discontinued)
- ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
- Running shoes + running sprites
- Pokémon Generation 4 battle sprites library
- Egg hatching
- Region map + fly map
- TMs + HMs bag display
- Grass tile animations
- Tileset editor
- Surf + dive form change errors
- Ability capsule + patch errors
- Pokemon.txt PBS errors (sprite misalignment, incorrect stats)
- Pokémon sprites from Generation 5 onwards.
- Mystery Gift and Purify Chamber are not included.
- Some attack animations may look out of place because of the screen resolution which the animation editor works with, which is not exactly the same as the game’s one. Most of them look fine, but if not, just play around with the animation sheet and the coordinates through the screen.
- There may be some little errors in Battle Frontier.
- Flying while surfing causes overworld player sprite errors.
- Johto Pokédex unknown issue.
POKéMON ESSENTIALS GSC was created by:
Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
"RPG Maker XP" by:
devamped sprites made by:
Cry Credits:
- Xaveriux
Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
- Flameguru
- Poccil (Peter O.)
- Maruno
- AvatarMonkeyKirby
- Marin
- Boushy
- MiDas Mike
- Brother1440
- Near Fantastica
- FL
- PinkMan
- Genzai Kawakami
- Popper
- help-14
- Rataime
- IceGod64
- SoundSpawn
- Jacob O. Wobbrock
- the__end
- KitsuneKouta
- Venom12
- Lisa Anthony
- Wachunga
- Luka S.J.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
- Enterbrain
devamped sprites made by:
- DarkDoom3000
- Koolboyman
- Akailsamu
- Neslug
- NICKtendo DS
- Wes
- pokekicks
- Alpha Six
- Jeremy
- Lockerz102
- josthR69
- Koopaul
- Parasect047
- Ike
- ClawdNyasu
- Layle
- SengirDev
- Devicho
- Metalflygon08
- Nurseblissey
- Lichen
- Jphyper
- MrDustman
- Sadfish
- PoisonousGas
- SageDeoxys
- Taynathon
- Aioros
- The Spriters Resource
- Maruno
- FL
- Umbreon
- Pia Carrot
- Kcgaranzy
- mej71
- out written
- kiedisticelixer
- Nuuk
- EeVeeEe1999
- QuilChess
- JF278 & Dani (from Pokémon Fierce Melody)
- Pia Carrot
- Pioxys
- Xeogran
- Lightning
- Enderific
- SirWhibbles
- SupahSanti
- JaegerLucciano
- patrickackerman
- Seyeba
- ubasuteyama
- Rangi
- bloodless
- lakeofdance
- datlopunnytho
- Leperagon
- Soloo93
- Bronzeswagger
- Meltan - ???, BloodlessNS
- Melmetal - JuicyChickenThighs, PiaCarrot
- Grookey, Jozzer26, PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
- Scorbunny - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane, BloodlessNS
- Sobble - EeVeeEe1999
- Gossifleur - QuilChess, PiaCarrot, Copetin, JaceDeane
- Eldegoss - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
- Corviknight - LucasSevero
- Dreadnaw - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
- Wooloo - Nuuk
- Zacian - PiaCarrot, Copetin
- Zamazenta - PiaCarrot
- Impidimp - PiaCarrot
- Yamper - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
- Rolycoly - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
- Duraldon - Enderific, JaceDeane
- Alcremie - JaceDeane
- Weezing - PiaCarrot
- Menu - Toxel Dragapult Chewtle Cursola Coalossal Eiscue Dracozolt Arctozolt.
- Hatterene Barraskewda, Mr Rime
- Rookiedie - Pia Carrot
- Morpeko - JaceDeane
- Polteageist - EeVeeEe1999
- Cramorant - EeVeeEe1999
- Applin - Pia Carrot
- Obstagoon - Copetin
- Sirfetchd - Enderific, JaceDeane
- Ponyta - JuicyChickenThighs
- Zigzagoon & Linoone - EeVeeEe1999
- Dracovish - Nuuk
- Drizzile Inteleon - Pia Carrot
- Runerigus - EeVeeEe1999
- Blipbug line - Enderific (and resized by Pia Carrot)
- Dreepy and evo - Enderific
- Galarian Meowth - Enderific
- Hattena - Cinnaboopa
- The Spriters Resource
- Xaveriux
- MarcStudio08
- Caruban
- Xaveriux
- Vendily
- Pia Carrot
- Nyaruko
- Pablus94
- Marin
- Lockheart
- Taynathon
Cry Credits:
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries- Rhyden
- Gen 7 Pokemon Cries- Marin, Rhyden
- Gen 8 Pokemon Cries- Zeak6464
- Zerokid, TheToxic, Golisopod User, HM100, KyureJL, ErwanBeurier
- Gen 8 Scripts: Vendily, TheToxic, HM100, Golisopod User, Aioross, WolfPP, MFilice, lolface, KyureJL, DarrylBD99, Turn20Negate, TheKandinavian, ErwanBeurier
- UberDunsparce - Compilation of Resources
- Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal
- The Pokémon Company
- Nintendo
- Affiliated with Game Freak
Special thanks to:
- Xaveriux
- Tomed01
- Utytft
- Nuuk
- Rangi42
- Lockheart
- SageDeoxys