- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v21.1 ✅
Are you also annoyed about music that ends, then starts from the beginning with no good transition? A good example is when you have a battle BGM and you want the intro of that BGM only played once and afterwards loop a certain part of the BGM (the actual "battle music").
This very small script allows you to define BGMs that will behave like this. All BGM files that are part of the hash need a defined start and end position (in seconds). After reaching the defined end position, the script BGM will go back to the defined start position (not to the beginning of the BGM).
Note: Make sure to double-check the entered values as I did not (yet) include checks (like if the entered end position is actually valid). I also did not test how this behaves when saving/loading the game.
This very small script allows you to define BGMs that will behave like this. All BGM files that are part of the hash need a defined start and end position (in seconds). After reaching the defined end position, the script BGM will go back to the defined start position (not to the beginning of the BGM).
Note: Make sure to double-check the entered values as I did not (yet) include checks (like if the entered end position is actually valid). I also did not test how this behaves when saving/loading the game.
module MusicLoops
# Music looping: if a BGM file is listed here, the respective start and end
# time will be used to loop the BGM after playing until the end once
BGM = {
"Battle Music" => [21.30, 69.20] # start, end (in seconds)
class Game_System
attr_accessor :bgm_loop_start
attr_accessor :bgm_loops
def bgm_play(bgm, track = nil)
old_pos = @bgm_position
@bgm_position = 0
bgm_play_internal(bgm, 0, track)
@bgm_position = old_pos
if MusicLoops::BGM.has_key?(bgm.name)
@bgm_loops = 0
@bgm_loop_start = System.uptime
def bgm_loop
bgm = playing_bgm.name
bgm_play_internal2("Audio/BGM/" + bgm, 100, 100, MusicLoops::BGM[bgm][0])
@bgm_loop_start = System.uptime
@bgm_loops += 1
alias bgmloop_update update unless method_defined?(:bgmloop_update)
def update
return if !playing_bgm
bgm = playing_bgm.name
return if !MusicLoops::BGM.has_key?(bgm) || !@bgm_loop_start || @bgm_loop_start == 0
# After intro is finished, jump back to loop start
if System.uptime >= @bgm_loop_start + MusicLoops::BGM[bgm][1] && @bgm_loops == 0
# After first loop, calculate timing based on loop duration (without intro)
elsif System.uptime >= @bgm_loop_start + (MusicLoops::BGM[bgm][1] - MusicLoops::BGM[bgm][0]) && @bgm_loops > 0
- Credits
- Sunrise Studios