• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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XY Trash Cans

v21.1 XY Trash Cans 1.0.2

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
In Pokémon XY there are a few Trash Cans in specific maps where you can find daily items or Pokémon, so I decided to make a script for that.

It's very easy to install, just drag the plugin to your project plugin folder and it will be done.

To call the script you just use the Call Script event command and call pbTrashCan. You need to define your own item table and encounter table though, but it's very easy and there's a small tutorial on how to do that in the script.

If you're using the trainer script call all you have to do is make a new empty event above the trash can event, then when you call pbTrainerTrash(event_id) you just replace event_id with the id of this new empty event.

The script itself won't be enough, you'll have to set your event to be interactable only once a day or week, you can learn how to do that clicking here.

If you find any bugs or glitches, please let me know.

Some Footage:
First release
Last update


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