I made these sets because I wanted to practice arranging and aligning, so I found artisits who had made a few tiles but hadn't necessarily compiled them.
Credit goes to Akizakura16! Which is me, but full name in your credits please. There's both an indoor and an outdoor set, and I've included some character sheets for the doors.
Here the door sheets to go with these sets:
Here the door sheets to go with these sets:

This set comes in two versions, a lineless style (left side) and an outlined version (middle). The third tileset is also credited to LotusKing, but was originally posted under the account name Aigue--marine

Credit for this set goes to Kaliser!
Some of these tiles were posted as private and later reposted as public, so let me know if I messed up anywhere
Some of these tiles were posted as private and later reposted as public, so let me know if I messed up anywhere

You might remember this artist as Thegreatblaid, but that account is gone.
On the left is a green version of the set, and on the right is a red version. There's also an interior set, just scroll down a bit to see it because the images are aligned in the post based on the bottom
On the left is a green version of the set, and on the right is a red version. There's also an interior set, just scroll down a bit to see it because the images are aligned in the post based on the bottom

You may remember this artist as Heavy-Metal-Lover
On the left is a lineless version, on the right is the outlined version. This artist has other tiles, but here are a bunch from their Hoenn Project that go great together!
On the left is a lineless version, on the right is the outlined version. This artist has other tiles, but here are a bunch from their Hoenn Project that go great together!

Credit for this set goes to Kyle-Dove!
I separated out a few things as separate autotiles, but they're also included in the full set.
I separated out a few things as separate autotiles, but they're also included in the full set.

Credits go to Akizakura16, Shiney570, and UltimoSpriter

- Credits
- I don't want credit for artwork I didn't make; please do not credit me for compiling.
Be sure to credit the correct artist for the tileset you decide to use!
- Aigue--marine's tiles should be credited to Aigue--marine or LotusKing
- LotusKing's tiles should be credited to LotusKing
- Kaliser's tiles should be credited to Kaliser
- JesusCarrasco's tiles should be credited to JesusCarrasco or Thegreatblaid
- WilsonScarloxy's tiles should be credited to WilsonScarloxy
- SailorVicious's tiles should be credited to SailorVicious or Heavy-Metal-Lover
- Magiscarf's tiles should be credited to Magiscarf
- Kyle-Dove's tiles should be credited to Kyle-Dove
- UltimoSpriter's tiles should be credited to UltimoSpriter
I do not want credit for tiles I didn't make.
I just moved them around, that's not actual creation/creative work.