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v18 Wild Nicknamed pokemon 1.0

This resource pertains to version 18 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v18.1 ➖
This may be compatible with most versions of essentials

When walking in the grass you have a chance to find a shiny Pokémon but why not a nicknamed Pokémon?
If a trainer lets a Pokémon go it should be free with a nickname... or whatever it takes to make this lore friendly...
perhaps you limit the name letters to 10 and you put some cool 11 letter wild encounter nicknames in to spice up your game. either way this is just an easy addition to add into your pokemon game

So to break this up lets use a lot of spoilers cause I'm a noob and may edit this to look pretty later!!!

In your setting script at line 40 add
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NICKNAME_CHANCE       = 65535
but change 65535 to whatever you want for the odds (65535 = 100%) (32000 is ~ 50%) ect

In PField_Encounters at about line 441 (might be different for you)

When you see these lines
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 # Give Pokérus
  if rand(65536)<POKERUS_CHANCE
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 # give nickname---------------------------------------------------------------
  if rand(65536)<NICKNAME_CHANCE
It should be just above this Comment
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# Change wild Pokémon's gender/nature depending on the lead party Pokémon's

Lastly add to PokeBattle_Pokemon at the very bottom add
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Nicknames = ["Czechoslovakia", "Jennnnnnny", "Billlllllll", "Masterball"]

def nickname?
    @Name = Nicknames[rand(0..3)]  # Adjusted to select a random index from 0 to 3

and there you have it edit the names to whatever you want if you add more names make sure to change the 3 in
@Name = Nicknames[rand(0..3)]
to 1 less than however many names you add
and know that names over 11 like the first one in my list wont fully show up in battle
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