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v21.1 Nuzlocke Ex 1.0.1

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
The script commands added are:
ChallengeModes.start: Opens the selection screen and queues the challenge. The challenge only actually begins after the player receives their first PokeBall, to avoid the player losing the challenge before getting a Pokemon.
ChallengeModes.reset: Resets all challenge mode options
ChallengeModes.on?(rule): Checks whether a challenge is going on. "rule" is an option argument which can check if any particular rule is active
ChallengeModes.toggle(x): Set the challenge on/off temporarily. Change x to "true" for on, and "false" for off.
ChallengeModes.running?: Check if a challenge is going on irrespective of toggle.
ChallengeModes.set_victory(reset): Set the players challenge as "won". "reset" is an optional argument which will reset the player's challenge modifiers if set to true. Call this in the HoF
ChallengeModes.won?: Checks if the player has "won" their challenge.
ChallengeModes.set_loss(reset): Set the players challenge as "lost". "reset" is an optional argument which will not reset the player's challenge modifiers if set to false.
ChallengeModes.lost?: Checks if the player has "lost" their challenge.

The config options for the script are present in Plugins/Challenge Modes/000_Config.rb. They are for defining the Pokemon whitelisted from "One Capture" and for setting the names and descriptions for the different challenge rules.

The rules implemented by the script are:
Permadeath: Once a Pokémon faints, it cannot be revived until the challenge ends.
One capture per map: Only the first Pokémon encountered on a map can be caught and added to your party. Some species can be exempt from this by adding them to the whitelist or by adding the flag OneCaptureWhitelist to their PBS entry.
Shiny clause: Shiny Pokemon are exempt from the "One Capture per Map" rule.
Dups clause: Evolution lines of owned species don't count as "first encounters" for the "One Capture per Map" rule
Gift Clause: Gifted Pokémon or eggs don't count as "first encounters" for the "One Capture per Map" rule
Mandatory Nicknames: Any Pokémon that is caught/obtained must be nicknamed.
Force Set Battle Style: The option to switch your Pokémon after fainting and opponent's Pokémon will not be shown.
No items in trainer battles: Item usage will be disabled in Trainer Battles.
No white-out: If all your party Pokémon faint in battle, you lose the challenge immediately. This is set to ON by default if permadeath isn't on. If this is OFF, the player can resume the challenge with unfainted Pokemon in their PC. If this is OFF, the player loses the challenge if all the Pokemon in their Party and PC faint.
Golisopod User (Scripter)
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