Hello partners!
This is my first for sharing a resource.
Well, technically it's a compilation of existing resources that you can find in this section of the site, but adapted for the new versions of Pokémon Essentials that are being updated.
I recently introduced myself to the newer versions (20.1 and 21.1), since I had been using 16.3 (I am a Spanish user, this is the base that we usually use).
But I decided to practice a little with this one, noticing along the way that none of the current generations had Pokémon sprites, even the Gen5 Backsprites were poorly rescaled.
So, I took the trouble to compile the 4 generations that Essentials has implemented so far.
It should be noted that these are DS-Style sprites.
I mean, this: Final Result.

It took me 2 days to make, so this is the first version I made.
The only thing you have to do to implement this, is drag and drop the sprites you want to use.
They are all separated into different folders, but they universally go in "Front", "Front Shiny", "Back" or "Back Shiny".
At the moment, it includes all Pokémon, including Gigantamax forms, Vivillon Forms, Flabébé, Floette & Florges Forms.
The missing sprites are:
Mega-evolution sprites.
Furfrou: (With his different hairstyles & Shiny).
Alcremie:(Its different colors of cream & Shiny).
Obviously these two Pokémon have their base sprites, so they are totally usable.
If you find any problem or error, let me know!
Credits below & included in the folder.
Please respect their original creators, this is just a more convenient compilation.
This is my first for sharing a resource.
Well, technically it's a compilation of existing resources that you can find in this section of the site, but adapted for the new versions of Pokémon Essentials that are being updated.
I recently introduced myself to the newer versions (20.1 and 21.1), since I had been using 16.3 (I am a Spanish user, this is the base that we usually use).
But I decided to practice a little with this one, noticing along the way that none of the current generations had Pokémon sprites, even the Gen5 Backsprites were poorly rescaled.
So, I took the trouble to compile the 4 generations that Essentials has implemented so far.
It should be noted that these are DS-Style sprites.
I mean, this: Final Result.

It took me 2 days to make, so this is the first version I made.
The only thing you have to do to implement this, is drag and drop the sprites you want to use.
They are all separated into different folders, but they universally go in "Front", "Front Shiny", "Back" or "Back Shiny".
At the moment, it includes all Pokémon, including Gigantamax forms, Vivillon Forms, Flabébé, Floette & Florges Forms.
The missing sprites are:
Mega-evolution sprites.
Furfrou: (With his different hairstyles & Shiny).
Alcremie:(Its different colors of cream & Shiny).
Obviously these two Pokémon have their base sprites, so they are totally usable.
If you find any problem or error, let me know!
Credits below & included in the folder.
Please respect their original creators, this is just a more convenient compilation.
- Credits
- GEN 8 SPRITES: https://reliccastle.com/resources/683/
Compiled by TheLuiz
Created by leparagon
With contributions of: French-Cyndaquil, Z-nogyroP
leparagon - Original artwork and resource
Z-nogyroP, French-Cyndaquil - Unspecified contribuition and resizing on the original sprite sheet.
Prodigal96 - GMAX Eevee and Lapras Backsprites
Smogon Gen 8 Sprite Project - Reference
TheLuiz - Formatting back sprites for use with Pokémon Essentials
GEN 7 SPRITES: https://reliccastle.com/resources/601/
Compiled by Vanilla Sunshine
Created by leparagon
fishbowlsoul90, Z-nogyroP, zlolxd, elazulmax, and mangamanga
leparagon - Original artwork and resource
Z-nogyroP, zlolxd, elazulmax, and mangamanga - Unspecified sprites
fishbowlsoul90 - Tapu colors, Turtornator face, poses of Exeggutor, Solgaleo, and Lunala
Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project - Reference
Vanilla Sunshine - Formatting back sprites for use with Pokémon Essentials.
GEN 6 SPRITES: https://reliccastle.com/resources/603/
Compiled by Vanilla Sunshine
Created by MrDollSteak, with contributions from Spherical Ice.
MrDollSteak - Original resource creator
Spherical-Ice - Vivillon back sprites (http://fav.me/828994456)
Various contributors to the Gen VI: DS-Style Pokémon Sprite Resource
Normal & Shiny from Dreadwing93, in Deviantart.
Unova Backsprites 80x80 by Dreadwing93 on DeviantArt