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ENLS's Fancy Camera

v21.1 ENLS's Fancy Camera 1.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Also compatible with
  1. v20
  2. v20.1
  3. v21

ENLS's Fancy Camera​

Makes the default camera more smooth and gives you more control over how it moves.


This plugin changes how the in-game camera works and allows you to do more with it. Normally the camera is completely stuck to the player at all times (except for when Scroll Map is used), and there's no real way to get around that. With this plugin, the camera is completely independent from the player, and can be moved as you wish.

As an example, you can run the script command pbCameraToEvent(event_id) and it will lock the camera to the event with that id, and will follow it around. Scroll down for a list of all the user functions.

Installation & Configuration:​


Step 1: Download the plugin from the button in the top right corner of the page.
Step 2: Extract the folder in the ZIP file into your game's Plugins folder.
Step 3: Run the game, and make sure to compile your plugins. (Hold CTRL while starting)

User functions:​

  • pbCameraReset
    • Resets the camera back to the player.
    • When you do any of the other functions, the camera will be locked in place until you reset it or move to a different map.
  • pbCameraScroll(relative_x, relative_y)
    • Sets the camera's position to coordinates relative to the player.
    • Example: pbCameraScroll(0, 2) - sets the camera's position 2 tiles below the player.
  • pbCameraScrollTo(x, y)
    • Sets the camera's position to the provided coordinates on the map.
    • Example: pbCameraScrollTo(25, 32) - sets the camera's position to tile X 25, Y 32.
  • pbCameraToEvent(event_id)
    • Sets the camera's position to the position of the event with the provided id, and locks it to that event.
    • If the event moves after you set the camera to it, the camera will move with it.
    • Example: pbCameraToEvent(9) - sets the camera's position to the position of event 9.
  • pbCameraScrollDirection(direction, distance)
    • Scrolls the camera X amount of tiles in the direction you choose, starting from where the camera currently is.
    • direction is a number between 1 - 9. (Check 001_Camera_Scripts.rb line 72 for a reference.
    • Example: pbCameraScrollDirection(8, 3) - scrolls the camera 3 tiles downwards.
  • pbCameraSpeed(speed)
    • Changes the speed at which the camera moves.
    • pbCameraReset will set the speed to the default speed, which is 1 if you haven't changed it in the config.
  • pbCameraShake(power = 2)
    • Starts a camera shake that looks much better than the built-in one. Default power is 2.
    • power determines how much the camera should move. You can pair this with a pbCameraSpeed for more customization of the effect.
    • Example: pbCameraShake(9) - starts a heavy camera shake with a power of 9.
  • pbCameraShakeOff
    • Disables any camera shake.
  • pbCameraOffset(x, y)
    • Adds a relative offset to the camera based on the provided x and y values. It will still be following the player or event it's locked to, but with an offset.
    • pbCameraOffset(0, 0) disables the offset and centers the camera.

Config File:​

The config file (000_Config.rb) includes three constants you can change, although I recommend keeping everything as default.
DEFAULT_SPEED = 1 is pretty self-explanatory. It changes the speed in which the camera moves by default when walking around etc.
INCREASE_WHEN_RUNNING = true chooses whether or not the camera should speed up slightly when the player's move speed increases, so that it doesn't fall behind as much.
OVERRIDE_SCROLL_MAP = true chooses whether or not the plugin's camera should be used instead of the default scroll map. I highly recommend keeping this one on.
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It works amazingly, and I love how simple it is to use! I'm not sure if you tested the camera on ice tiles, but it snaps into place and it breaks the feeling of a smooth camera, otherwise, it's practically perfect!
Oh, that is absolutely a game changer. Great job as always ENLS ✨
Absolute game changer. cutscenes or otherwise, this is huge.
Honesty, why is this not in essentials in the first place