Thanks to Victorcarvalhosp in the discussion thread on this resource, the code has been refactored a bit to cut some clutter, and item compatibility has been improved. They fixed some errors with berries that I had not encoutered.
As usual, if you encounter a bug, please post in the discussion thread and it will get taken care of.
Added Victorcarvalhosp to the credits as of this update.
Also, something that should have been done before this resource was posted - the method name to call this script has been renamed to pokemonAmie instead of pokemonAmieRefresh
This is to reduce confusion since the script does not have features from Refresh. It was called Amie/Refresh by the original script writer/team I believe.
So now, use pokemonAmie to call the script. I'll update the instructions on the overview of the resource as well.
Fixed an incompatibility with Luka SJ's Scripting Utilities
Added Luka SJ to credits. For some reason he wasn't credited originally even though his "mask" method from his scripting utilities was copied into the Amie script.
I renamed the method "mask" in Pokemon Amie.rb rather than made Luka SJ's Scripting Utilities a requirement to run this plugin. The only thing from his scripting utilities that the script uses is the mask method I believe.
I don't know why I didn't get this error until earlier tonight, but when compiling the plugin again, I got the error "A plugin called 'Pokemon Amie' already exists."
I removed the following section from 'Pokemon Amie.rb":
Since registering the plugin is already done via the meta.txt file, the above block of code is no longer needed. I have updated the .zip file in Google drive, but if you want to avoid downloading the whole thing again, just remove the code above, save, and compile.