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v21.1 Steal Storage 0.75

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Steal Storage

How it works:
There is a memory space for stolen Pokemon. You can steal the player's Pokemon and return them when you want.
It's also works with items, but not so good (for now).

  • Steal Storage for Pokemon (and items, better in the next update)
  • Download the zip file from the link above ("Go to download", top right)
  • Extract it into your game's main folder
  • Compile before starting to play (you are gonna have to start a new save, next update I'll make sure you don't)
  • Have fun!
The zip file contains:
  • Plugins/Steal Storage/Main - The main code for the plugin
How to use:
pbStealPokemonAtIndex(index, force = false, silent = false)
A method for stealing a Pokemon from the party using its index (position in the party)
index - the party index
force - should it take it even if it's the last Pokemon
silent - should it display the message (false for displaying)

pbStealPartyPokemon(keep = false, silent = false)
A method for stealing all party Pokemon
keep - should it keep the first Pokemon
silent - should it display the message (false for displaying)

pbReturnStolenPokemon(silent = false)
A method for returning one stolen Pokemon (the first one that was stolen)
silent - should it display the message (false for displaying)

pbReturnAllStolenPokemon(silent = false)
A method for returning all stolen Pokemon
silent - should it display the message (false for displaying)

pbReturnStolenPokemonBySpecies(species, silent = false)
A method for returning a stolen Pokemon by its species
species - the wanted species
silent - should it display the message (false for displaying)

For any questions, problems, or requests- feel free to reply :)
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