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Basic Dark Mode

GUI Basic Dark Mode 1.0.0

Are your eyes as depressingly pathetic and light sensitive as mine? Do you feel like you are going to crumble every time a white flash comes up on the screen?
Perhaps you like developing fangames in a dark environment, or have had one of your team complaining about eye strain problems?
Maybe you even want your game to look a little different.
Well worry not, for Swdfm presents...

Basic Dark Mode!


What is this?
  • A package of all relevant vanilla Essentials Graphics, put into one folder mirroring the Graphics folder.
  • A script with the option to allow players to switch between regular mode and Dark mode in the Options Screen.
  • Includes an option to or not to darken Tilesets
  • Is the graphic you want changed not in the folder? No problem! Simply add the dark version in the place where the normal one would have been in the Graphics/Dark_Mode folder!
  • Automatically makes (most!) text easier to read in Dark Mode without you having to trawl through all the vanilla scripts.

How to install?
1) Download the pack and unzip it
2) Drop into Game Folder
3) (Optional) Have a look at the Plugin script to see if there's any settings you want to change!
4) That's it! Only 2 or 3 stages and you're done!

Any problems? Let me know! I'm on Discord often!... Far too often!
Please credit me, Swdfm! I love glory and praise! Ahahahahahah!


[2023-12-07] 19_28_33.020.png
[2023-12-07] 19_28_41.394.png
[2023-12-07] 19_29_02.199.png
[2023-12-07] 19_29_55.218.png
[2023-12-07] 19_30_09.066.png
[2023-12-07] 19_30_29.435.png
[2023-12-07] 19_30_48.972.png
First release
Last update


2.50 star(s) 4 ratings

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I don't understand how to install if someone can help me please
Although it looks good in some parts like the "Continue" screen or the "Options" menu, others feel half-assed, like the Bag and Summary screens. In the Bag case specially it looks like tha bag was simply given a negative filter, and the darker colors of the summary strike too much with the brigth ones, like the lime green that you put as an example.

Overall its a good idea but feels like you didn't fully commit to the idea of a darker theme, and rellied on either a negative filter or putting a semi-transparent black image on top to make the images less bright.

I could suggest you to try narrowing the scope of the resource, leave things like tilesets and battle graphics aside (since players are mostly going to change those anyways) and focus on UI graphics more commonly used. Quality over quantity.
Also if are going to use colors use the darker variants, like a wine-red, deep blue, etc. Has potential but needs some more work.
Ok, thanks for reviewing, and some fair comments there.
Yes, you're right, it was cobbled together fairly quickly!
When I next get round to working on this, I will make use of your recommendations.