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v21.1 Random Wonder Trade From PC V1.1

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
I was wanting to build a Wonder Trade in my game and ran across Sploopo's WT script, but didn't like the idea of having to individually fill lists. So I made one that will automatically populate Pokemon depending on the Pokemon already coded to your game.

How it Works:

  1. Automatic Pokemon Population:
    • The script scans all maps in your game and compiles encounter data from each map.
    • For every encounter, it builds lists of Pokemon species and tracks how many times each Pokemon can be encountered in your game.
  2. Assigning "Weights":
    • Each Pokemon is given a "weight" based on their availability.
    • These weights are later used to calculate the probability of encountering each Pokemon.
  3. Sorting by Rarity:
    • The Pokemon and their weights are categorized into six rarity levels, determined by their respective weights.
    • A random number is generated to select a rarity based on predefined rarity probabilities.
  4. Selecting a Pokemon:
    • Within the chosen rarity level, the script selects a random number.
    • It iterates through the list until it finds a Pokemon whose weight meets or exceeds the selected number.
    • The chosen Pokemon becomes the trade option.
Blocklist and Allowlist:

  • The script supports Blocklist and Allowlist features.
    • Blocklist: Exclude specific Pokemon from being considered for trade.
      • Format: [:POKEMON1, :POKEMON2]
    • Allowlist: Increase the chances of encountering specific Pokemon in trades.
      • Format:
        :MELOETTA => 5,
        :RATTATA => 10,
        :PIKACHU => 30
      • The numbers indicate the number of "chances" for each Pokemon, equivalent to their encounter frequency.
Optional Customization:

  • Optional arguments are available for further customization:
    • Nickname: Provide a specific Pokemon nickname.
    • Trainer Name: Specify a Trainer name.
    • Trainer Gender: Define the Trainer's gender.
    • Note: If you specify these arguments, they will be applied to all NPC-initiated trades. Otherwise, the script will generate random values.
Additional Features:

  • The script includes default male and female name lists for Trainers. If you don't specify a Trainer name, the script will randomly select one.
  • An option to enable or disable automatic Pokemon nicknames.
  • The trade screen operates within the PC interface, retaining access to your party.
  • Full compatibility with the Charm Case and Trading Charm.
  • A default greeting message that adapts to Trainer gender and modifies text color accordingly.
How to Use:

Simply call the pbWonderTrade method to initiate the Wonder Trade. Customize the trade parameters using optional arguments.

Sample Code:

Using without optional arguments:

Using with optional arguments:
pbWonderTrade(nickName, trainerName, trainerGender)

Happy Trading!
Let me know if you have any questions or issues using my plugin.
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  1. V1.1

    Changed all instances of "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to "Blocklist" and "Allowlist" Fixed...