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Sawsbucks Coffee Pack (Cafe Tileset + Coffee Items + Barista Trainer Class)

Tiles Sawsbucks Coffee Pack (Cafe Tileset + Coffee Items + Barista Trainer Class) 2023-10-23

This resource consists, or mainly consists, of tiles.

Have you ever wanted to enjoy the wonders of chain restaurants in your Gen 3-style fangame? Well, now you can! Inspired by the Sawsbucks Cafe from the murdered-for-copyright Roblox game Pokemon Brick Bronze, I've made some resources to help you open your very own Sawsbucks Coffee franchise!

Interior/Exterior Tileset
The first piece of the Sawsbucks Coffee Pack is, of course, the tilesets. The exterior tileset is an edit of the Pokemon Fan Club building and some exterior decorations, which are mostly recolors of base Essentials tiles & some objects from Pokemon Emerald. The interior tileset is much of the same, and it includes some other objects that aren't in my sample building but could easily fit the atmosphere.



Barista Trainer Class
For those who might want your Sawsbucks locations to function more like the Cafes in Sword/Shield (or if you just want to have Barista trainers in your cafes), you're in luck! This pack includes a custom Barista trainer class. Gary talked a lot of smack back in Kanto, but look at him now! Working for minimum wage! Take that.


Custom Coffee Items
For the pièce de résistance, I've created two custom items that could be sold at a Sawsbucks location. You're welcome to use one, both, or neither depending on what you prefer. It'd also be interesting to see these items sold in a Mart event alongside some snacks for the full Sawsbucks experience!

Iced Coffee
The Iced Coffee item functions almost identically to the Sawsbucks Coffee item from Pokemon Brick Bronze. It is a held item that raises the holder's Speed stat by 50%. You could raise or lower this multiplier if you wanted, but this percentage is the same as the Choice Scarf's buff, so it's what I went with. It's a bit imbalanced since there's no drawback unlike the Choice Scarf, so I'd recommend limiting the number of Iced Coffees the Player can obtain. In Brick Bronze you could only get one from Sawsbucks and then buy them with BP later, so I'd recommend that. Iced Coffee is kept in the bag's Items pocket by default.

Hot Coffee
The Hot Coffee item was made to be a toned-down version of the classic Iced Coffee. Instead of giving the holder a passive Speed buff, it boosts speed when the holder has less than 1/8 of their health, and then is consumed (similarly to Salac Berries). It can also be used directly from the bag to boost the Active Pokemon's Speed instead, like an X Speed. It's a pretty niche item, but I also gave it pretty high Fling damage; it is piping hot, after all! You're welcome to lower or raise the base Fling damage if you'd like. I think the mental image of throwing the coffee back in Gary's face is funny. Don't do that in real life though. That's illegal in most places. Hot Coffee is kept in the Battle Items pocket by default.

1. Download Plugin

2. Unzip the folder directly into your game's main folder (the one with Game.rxproj in it). This automatically places most of the graphics where they need to go.
3. Using a photo editing software, add "Sawsbuck's Coffee Exterior.png" to the bottom of your "Outside.png" tileset, then adjust the tileset's Properties in the Database (to make sure the collisions and priorities function properly)

4. In your game's PBS folder, open trainer_types.txt and paste the following (and don't forget to save the file before closing!)
Name = Barista
Gender = Male
BaseMoney = 32

5. In your game's PBS folder, open items.txt and paste the following:
Name = Iced Coffee
NamePlural = Iced Coffees
Pocket = 1
Price = 1000
Flags = Fling_30
Description = A large iced coffee with a metal straw. When held by a Pokemon, it boosts the holder's Speed.
Name = Hot Coffee
NamePlural = Hot Coffees
Pocket = 7
Price = 300
BattleUse = OnBattler
Flags = Fling_80
Description = A small, piping-hot coffee. When held by a Pokemon, it raises the holder's Speed in a pinch.

6. Open your game project and open the Script. Create a new Script section somewhere above main, then paste the following code:
  :name => "Sawsbuck Coffee Pack",
  :version => "1.0",
  :credits => "LarkyLovesYou",
  :link => "https://eeveeexpo.com/members/7525/"

  # Custom Items
  proc { |item, battler, battle, forced|
    next battler.pbStatIncreasingBerry(item, forced, :SPEED)

  proc { |item, battler, mult|
    next mult * 1.5

ItemHandlers::BattleUseOnBattler.add(:HOTCOFFEE, proc { |item, battler, scene|
  battler.pbRaiseStatStage(:SPEED, 1, battler)

7. Fully Compile Your Game.

8. Enjoy!
Credit if used!

Sawsbucks Cafe Concept by Llama Train Studio (the developers of Pokemon Brick Bronze)
Sawsbucks Coffee Interior/Exterior Tileset - LarkyLovesYou
(Some tiles from this set were taken from aiyinsi's incomplete Emerald Tileset, which can be found here)
Iced/Hot Coffee Item (Icons & Scripting) - LarkyLovesYou
Barista Trainer Sprites - LarkyLovesYou
First release
Last update


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Guess the viridian gym wasn't paying well so he retired as a barista lol