- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v18 ➖
What's this?
Ever wanted to display IVs, but don't want to display them as numbers? That's just boring to me! With this resource you'll be able to show graphics (star graphics included) next to a Pokémon's stat in it's summary screen, allowing the player to judge by themselves.
Design notes
You might want to have a way to "Hyper Train" Pokémon in your game. IVs is not something people seek after in a fangame, is it? You won't see me resetting a hundred times for a better Pokémon, and I will definetely not breed for IVs in a Pokémon fangame without any kind of competitive scene, so why not allow the player to change the IVs in some way? The die-hard challenge-runners that desperately need the best Pokémon ever have a way of not having to ditch their Pokémon because it has sub-par stats.
You could also only display the stars at a certain NPC, or only after a switch was flipped ON.
Also this tweet by Maruno.
Show me the goods!
Extract the files inside your /Graphics/Pictures/Summary/ folder. You will need to overwrite one file (if using the stock Essentials summary screen - otherwise, be creative or learn how drawing the graphics works!).
Go to PScreen_Summary. Find "def drawPageThree". Before that, add this chunk of code:
(In V17.2 and below, the method is "def drawPageThree(pokemon)".
Now, going back to "def drawPageThree(pokemon)" find "overlay = @sprites["overlay"].bitmap" and add this line below:
That's all you have to do! If you want to change what star is used depending on the IVs, check the comments I made in the script.
Ever wanted to display IVs, but don't want to display them as numbers? That's just boring to me! With this resource you'll be able to show graphics (star graphics included) next to a Pokémon's stat in it's summary screen, allowing the player to judge by themselves.
Design notes
You might want to have a way to "Hyper Train" Pokémon in your game. IVs is not something people seek after in a fangame, is it? You won't see me resetting a hundred times for a better Pokémon, and I will definetely not breed for IVs in a Pokémon fangame without any kind of competitive scene, so why not allow the player to change the IVs in some way? The die-hard challenge-runners that desperately need the best Pokémon ever have a way of not having to ditch their Pokémon because it has sub-par stats.
You could also only display the stars at a certain NPC, or only after a switch was flipped ON.
Also this tweet by Maruno.
Show me the goods!
Extract the files inside your /Graphics/Pictures/Summary/ folder. You will need to overwrite one file (if using the stock Essentials summary screen - otherwise, be creative or learn how drawing the graphics works!).
Go to PScreen_Summary. Find "def drawPageThree". Before that, add this chunk of code:
(In V17.2 and below, the method is "def drawPageThree(pokemon)".
def drawRating(pokemon)
stars=[] # Array of each star depending on IVs
for i in 0..5
if pokemon.iv[i] >= 21 # Best star above 21 IVs
elsif pokemon.iv[i] >= 11 # Okay star between 11-20 IVs
elsif pokemon.iv[i] >= 1 # Bad star between 1-10 IVs
elsif pokemon.iv[i] == 0 # Worst star at 0 IVs
# Draw stars
Now, going back to "def drawPageThree(pokemon)" find "overlay = @sprites["overlay"].bitmap" and add this line below:
That's all you have to do! If you want to change what star is used depending on the IVs, check the comments I made in the script.
- Credits
Please credit if used to:
Mr. Gela
Please do not redistribute this anywhere resource anywhere else. If you wish to share this, link to this site.
Por favor da créditos si lo utilizas a:
Mr. Gela
Por favor no redistribuyas este recurso en ningún otro lugar. Si quieres compartir esto, utiliza un enlace a este sitio.