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Gen 5 VS Sprite Pack

VS sprites Gen 5 VS Sprite Pack N/A

(Genuinely surprised this wasn't an existing resource already! I kinda think it might already be out there and I just keep missing it, haha)

Just like the tag says, this is all the canon VS sprites from the Gen 5 games, resized and named for use in Essentials. This includes:
  • Hilbert
  • Hilda
  • Nate
  • Rosa
  • Hugh
  • Bianca (BW design only)
  • Cheren (BW design and B2W2 design)
  • Cilan
  • Cress
  • Chili
  • Lenora
  • Roxie
  • Burgh
  • Elesa (BW design and B2W2 design)
  • Clay
  • Skyla
  • Brycen
  • Drayden
  • Iris (BW design only)
  • Marlon
  • Caitlin
  • Shauntal
  • Grimsley
  • Marshal
  • Alder
  • Benga
  • Colress
  • N
  • Ghetsis (BW design and B2W2 design)

If you're not familiar with how to set up these animations, the wiki describes it here.

Bizarrely, the backgrounds weren't different colors until B2W2 - every VS animation in BW was just blue vs red. (In this pack, Hilbert has the blue BG and Hilda has the red) I did some hue-shifting to make more appropriate BGs for the characters with missing backgrounds:
  • Bianca
  • Brycen
  • Chili
  • Cilan
  • Cress
  • Lenora
BW Cheren can just reuse his Gym Leader bar, but... I had already made one for him before I considered that and used it for that promo image at the top, and I didn't want to waste it lmao.

Feel free to leave feedback about these, I was mostly just messing with sliders so I imagine there's some finer points of graphic design that I overlooked.

I also don't have any knowledge on ripping these bars, I just copy+pasted from screenshots and tried to match how the example files were set up, so please let me know if something looks off with the canon bars.

All Elite Four members, Team Plasma members, and Champions use a different animation, so I've skipped making a VS bar for them for now. (I also skipped the full-body VS sprites from B2W2) I might give it a shot later.

Cilan... doesn't have whites on his eyes in his VS sprite? That honestly seemed to me like an error, so I made an alt version that added them.

Related Resources
BW VS rips came from Barubary on spriters-resource
B2W2 VS rips came from redblueyellow on spriters-resource
VS bars came from me, TechSkylander1518
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A good resource! And especially if you use EBDX or you want to create VS sprites with a base.