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Charm Case

v21.1 Charm Case V1.5

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Currently Working On:
Fixing the issue with Bag Screen w/ party
Hiding the Elemental Charm text until player receives Elemental Charm - Added
Adding a Nature based charm - Added

Charm Case Overview:
  • The Charm Case is a Registerable Key item.
  • It stores Charms separately from your inventory.
  • Charms are stored in a dedicated storage variable.
  • You can toggle Charm effects on/off from within the Case.
  • Normal Charms are automatically toggled on when given.
  • Elemental Charms are automatically toggled off when given.
  • Optionally, you can choose to limit the amount of Charms a player can have active at one time.
  • If using the max charms settings, you can increase and decrease the max amount through commands.
Elemental Charms:
  • These are a subset of the Charms Case.
  • Elemental Charms increase the chance of encountering specific Pokémon types by 40% and increase capture
    • chance of that Type by a multiplied factor of 2.5.
Adding Charms:
  • Use "pbGainCharm(charm)" to add normal Charms.
  • Use "pbGainElementCharm(charm)" for Elemental Charms.
  • EXAMPLES: "pbGainCharm(:MININGCHARM)" would give you the Mining Charm.
  • EXAMPLES: "pbGainElementCharm(:FIRECHARM)" would give you the Fire Charm in your Elemental Charm list.
  • This method:
    • Populates the charm array.
    • Prevents the item from entering your bag.
  • Obtain Charms from NPCs, item balls(using the pbGainCharm command), events, and Poke Marts.
  • Purchase from the Poke Mart from the normal call of a Poke Mart; pbPokemonMart(:FIRECHARM, :MININGCHARM, :POKEBALL) The Charms should be handled properly.
    • You can mix the inventory of the Poke Mart.
Graphics and Sprites:
  • Normal Charms have sprites.
  • Elemental Charm sprites are in progress.
  • Elemental Charm icons aren't currently displayed, as such, it's not a huge deal they're not included right now.
Additional Information:
  • V1.1 Added Apricorn Charm and Kurt the Apricorn Converter into an event.
    • You can call the "event" from "apricornToBall". The entire event will take place within that call, without the need for 4 pages of events.
  • The Coin Charm multiplies coin gains.
  • The Slots Charm further multiplies coin gains in slots.
  • New slot machine backgrounds reflect Charm-enhanced payouts.
  • V1.09 includes PBS file for V21.1. With the new update to Essentials, you can just drop the file into your PBS folder and it will automatically load the items. Unfortunately, with V20.1, you still have to manually update the PBS file.
  • pbGiveAllCharms - gives all Charms
  • pbGiveAllECharms - gives all Elemental Charms
  • pbDeactivateAll - disables all charms (turns off)
  • pbRemoveCharm(:CHARMNAME) - removes the given charm from the player.
  • V1.09 also includes a zipped file with unused Item Sprites. These sprites were made by LinKazamine and
    • either already had a sprite, or found a more fitting sprite. I've included them because they're still good item sprites and to give an option if you'd rather use one of those instead of something included in the Charm Case.
  • Copy the provided Plugin and Graphics folders into your game's main folder.
    • All Slot Machine pictures are included for V20.1 player.
    • If on V21.1, you don't need to overwrite the pictures, all that was added is the two new pictures.
  • Refer to the meta file for detailed information.
  • The script comes in five files. The Charm List script is responsible for initiliation of the Charms. If you're
    • wanting to add Charms or delete charms, do it here. Instead of deleting Charms, you could also
    • just not give the Charm.
    • In the Charm List, the Charms are Initilized as false. At the bottom, the Charms are defined as a new identifier, is_charm? This has a couple effects within the Charm Case, including allowing them to be sorted and deleted at the Pokemon Mart.
  • The Charm Case Effect script is responsible for all the calculations involved with the effects of the charms. It's what makes it plug and play, be careful modifying this one, as it can potentially break your game.
    • If you're wanting to remove a Charm, you'll probably want to go in and delete the effects from here, as well. Every Charm is well separated with #===, name #===, so it'll be easy to sort through.
  • The third is the Charm Case Script. It's responsible for the inner workings of the Charm Case. Please don't touch this one, as it can break the Case, and your game.
  • The fourth one is the Meta file. It's contains more instructions, information, and more detailed information about the effects of each charm.
  • The newly added fifth file is a settings file. I've added settings for just about every one of the charms that I thought someone might want to adjust, with detailed explanations of what each setting is for, and what it does.
  • I've also added an item_001 PBS file. This file is really only useful for V21.1 players/devs. You can drop it into the PBS file and all the Charms will automatically be loaded. V20.1 will still have to manually load the Charms into their PBS file. *Note: I did not include the original 4 Charm into the PBS file. Be mindful if updating, and you've already deleted them. This is to try to prevent duplicate entries.
ShortCut Commands and Functions (Added in V1.13):
  • pbGC(charm) - Gains Charm (charm).
  • pbSGC(charm) - Silent Gain Charm (charm).
  • pbGEC(charm) - Gains Element Charm (charm).
  • pbRC(charm) - Removes Charm (charm).
  • pbSRC(charm) - Silent Remove Charm (charm).
  • pbGAC - Gives all Charms.
  • pbGAEC - Gives all Elemental Charms.
  • pbDAC - Deactivates all Charms.
  • pbIMC(x) - Increases max charm count by x. I.E. pbIMC(2) - Increases by 2. *Leaving argument blank will default to +1. (pbIMC)
  • pbDMC(x) - Decreases max charm count by x. I.E. pbDMC(4) - Decreases by 4.*Leaving argument blank will default to -1. (pbDMC)
The Charm Case feature offers players the ability to manage Charms, toggle Charms, customize gameplay with passive bonuses, and keep their inventory organized for an enhanced gaming experience.
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[B]Wishing Charm:[/B]
There's quite a bit of customization with this feature, so I'm adding a section for it.

Several settings to customize within the settings file, so you can customize the feature without modifying the
        effects file.
WISHING_CHARM_ITEM_AND_POKE - This setting is used for deciding whether you want to include items, as well as            Pokemon. If false, it will just return Pokemon.

WISHING_CHARM_ITEM_LIST - This setting is the list of items you want to include, if setting item and poke is true. It               will only return items off this list.

WISHING_CHARM_USE_AUTO - This setting is for determining if you want the Pokemon to be randomly generated                 from a "pool" of possible Pokemon, or, if false, from an approved list.

NO_LEGENDARY_AUTO - If true, will throwout all "Undiscovered" egg group Pokemon. This should include all                           Legendary, Mythical, Paradox, and Ultrabeast Pokemon. (Except is Phione and Manaphy which are listed in the            Blacklist array). V1.09 added a "Blacklist" for the Undiscovered Egg Group to prevent normal Pokemon such as Baby species, Riolu, Toxel, etc. from being removed from the automatic generating of the Pokemon.

AUTO_USE_BLACKLIST - If true, will include the Blacklist array in the calculations for the "Pool" of Pokemon it can       reward. If false, it will not take out any Pokemon. (Unless NO_LEGENDARY_AUTO is still true, then it will still remove     those Pokemon).

AUTO_GEN_BLACKLIST - This is the Blacklist array of all Pokemon you want to remove from the "Pool" of reward  Pokemon. Make sure they're in the format [:POKEMON1, :POKEMON2]

WISHING_CHARM_APPROVED_LIST - If WISHING_CHARM_USE_AUTO is false, it will generate from this list instead. It   will ONLY pick from these Approved Pokemon. Make sure they're in the format [:POKEMON1, :POKEMON2]

WISHING_CHARM_PKMN_LEVEL - Setting for level you want the reward Pokemon to be when given.

WISHING_CHARM_REFRESH -Setting for the refresh time on the Wishing Charm. This is how often the player can use    the charm, in hours.

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#=== Mini Game / Collectables ===#
# Apricorn Charm - Doubles Ball gain and halves the time needed to craft Balls when converting from Apricorn.
# Berry Charm - Berry quantity gathered multiplied by 2.
# Coin Charm - Multiples Coin gain by 3 in Voltorb Flip and 3 in Slot Machines. *If paired with Slots Charm, multiples winnings by 5* Also changes Slot Machines Background to match current prize amounts.
# Gold Charm - Drops 500 money after each Trainer Battle, similar to Payday. Also adds 50% more gold from Battles.
# Lure Charm - Replaces Suction Cup. Fish always bite. Also increases Shiny Retries by 2 when fishing.
# Mining Charm - Each hit is worth 0.75 instead of 1. This roughly translate to about 10 more strikes with the hammer.
# Slots Charm - Prevents Machine slipping and slows down speed to 75% Multiplies Coin gain from Slots. With coin charm further increases winning and changes Backgrounds accordingly.
# Trip Triad Charm - Gain an extra reward from the opponent's deck for winning Triple Triad Game.
#===== Youtuber Substitute's Charms ======#
# These Charms were thought up by Youtuber Substitute. They have variying effects. #11
# Balance Charm - Evenly divide encounter rates across species in given map.
# Clover Charm - Replaces Compound Eyes lead. Wild Pokemon more likely to have held items.
# (Currently stacks with Compound Eyes for higher chance)
# Heart Charm - Replaces Shadow Tag Lead. Pokemon flee less. Encounter rates higher. Party Pokemon gain more
# happiness per step.
# Key Charm - 30% chance to encounter Pokemon with Hidden Ability.
# Link Charm - Increases encounter rate of Captured / KO'ed Pokemon and decreases rate of Fled From Pokemon.
# Increases chance of Shiny Pokemon per Chain Count. Starting at 30 Chain Count, adds a small chance of max IVs
# (~1.5%) per roll. Useful for Shiny hunting.
# Mercy Charm - Replaces Quick Feet Lead. If one of your Pokemon is faint, reduces risk of Encounter by 30%.
# Promo Charm - Replaces pressure lead. Wild Pokemon found at higher available level.
# Seeker Charm - Not currently implemented. Suppose to refresh all trainer encounters.
# Smart Charm - 30% chance to encounter Pokemon with Egg or Tutor move.
# Spirit Charm - Replaces Synchronize Lead. Wild Pokemon to match the Nature of your Lead Pokemon.
# Twin Charm - Double Hidden Item quantity.
# Viral Charm - Increases chance of Wild Pokemon having PokeRus virus.

#===============Other Charms =================#
# Color Charm - Doubles chance of encountering a Pokemon with a special Hue. Essentially runs the same Event # handler a second time, to gain another chance.
# **Pokemon Color Variants is REQUIRED
# Corrupt Charm - Converts caught Pokémon to Shadow form; may corrupt owned Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon.
# Easy Charm - Decreases level of Trainer and Wild Pokemon by (setting). Also has setting to remove a party member #          from Trainer Battle.
# Disable Charm - 30% chance to Disable opponents last used move.
# Effort Charm - Pokémon receive more EV from battle.
# Exp All Charm - Works the same as Exp All, toggleable, and without the item.
# Frugal Charm - Halves Pokemon Mart prices. V1.08 adds double sell prices.
# Gene Charm - Wild Pokémon can appear with one or more max IV.
# Hard Charm - Increases level of Trainer and Wild Pokemon by (setting).
# Healing Charm - Doubles HP from restoring items. Gains 1 HP every 35 steps outside of Battle.
# IV Charm - Wild Pokemon appear with 5 more IVs in every stat.
# Nature Charm - Has a chance to encounter selected Pokemon Nature.
#    *Similar to the Spirit Charm, but allows selection of desired Nature
#    *without the requirement of a lead Pokemon having the Nature.
# Points Charm - Double BP gained from Battles. # [URL='https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1405/']Lin's BP System Required[/URL]
# Purify Charm - Helps purify Shadow Pokemon faster.
# Resistor Charm - Reduces damage from Super Effective attacked by 25%.
# Roaming Charm- Increases encounter chance of Roaming Pokemon by 25%.
# Safari Charm- Increases steps, balls, and catch rate by 50%. Also reduces flee chance.
# STAB Charm - Further increases Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) by 25%.
# Step Charm - Reduces the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg.
# Trading Charm - Increases IVs of traded Pokemon by 10 and adds a 20% chance of being Shiny.
# Wishing Charm - Every 24 hours grants player with a Pokemon or Item. Several togglable settings.

#===== Pre-existing Charms ======#
# These are Charms that are pre-built into the game. They have to be included due to the changes
# in the way the Charms are handled. Since the Charms no longer go into the bag, the condition to
# activate had to be changed. $4
# Oval Charm - Increases chance of finding an egg.
# EXP Charm - Increase EXP gain by 50%.
# Shiny Charm - Increase chance of encountering Shiny Pokemon.
# Catching Charm - Increase chance of a critical catch.
All of these charms just raise chance of that type's encounter by 40%. V1.04 will also increase capture chance of
chosen type when Charm is active.
Electric Charm, Fire Charm, Water Charm, Grass Charm, Normal Charm, Fight Charm, Fly Charm, Poison Charm, Ground Charm, Rock Charm, Bug Charm, Ghost Charm, Steel Charm, Psychic Charm, Ice Charm, Dragon Charm, Dark Charm, and Fairy Charm.
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Name = Charm Case
NamePlural = Charm Cases
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
FieldUse = Direct
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A case which stores all charms in one place.
Name = Apricorn Charm
NamePlural = Apricorn Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A Charm that doubles the Balls received from Apricorn Conversion and lessens time taken to convert.
Name = Balance Charm
NamePlural = Balance Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to evenly divide encounter rates across all species in given map.
Name = Berry Charm
NamePlural = Berry Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A berry charm said to double the harvest of all berry plants.
Name = Color Charm
NamePlural = Color Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that doubles the chance of encountering a Pokemon with a special Hue.
Name = Clover Charm
NamePlural = Clover Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the probability of wild pokemon holding items.
Name = Coin Charm
NamePlural = Coin Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that triples all gained coins.
Name = Corrupt Charm
NamePlural = Corrupt Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = Converts caught Pokémon to Shadow form; may corrupt owned Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon.
Name = Disable Charm
NamePlural = Disable Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A mystical charm that randomly disrupts foe's moves.
Name = Easy Charm
NamePlural = Easy Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that lowers levels of all encounters.
Name = Effort Charm
NamePlural = Effort Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the EV received in battle.
Name = Exp. All Charm
NamePlural = Exp. All Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that allows all Pokemon in party to gain Exp. from Battles.
Name = Frugal Charm
NamePlural = Frugal Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = Reduces prices at Poké Marts.
Name = Gene Charm
NamePlural = Gene s
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to bring out a Wild Pokemon's full potential.
Name = Gold Charm
NamePlural = Gold Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase gold gained from Trainer battles.
Name = Hard Charm
NamePlural = Hard Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that increases levels of all encounters.
Name = Healing Charm
NamePlural = Healing Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that recovery item strength and restores HP while walking.
Name = Heart Charm
NamePlural = Heart Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm which reduces flee rate, doubles the encounter rate, and increases Happiness gain.
Name = IV Charm
NamePlural = IV Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the change of finding Wild Pokémon with better genes.
Name = Link Charm
NamePlural = Link Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that increases encounter rate of captured / KO'ed Pokemon, while decreasing rate of Fled From Pokemon.
Name = Key Charm
NamePlural = Key Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the probability of wild pokemon having Hidden Ability.
Name = Lure Charm
NamePlural = Lure Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to make all fishable Pokemon guaranteed to bite, while fishing.
Name = Mercy Charm
NamePlural = Mercy Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to ward off wild Pokemon while you have a fainted Pokemon.
Name = Mining Charm
NamePlural = Mining Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A mining charm said to allow more hits before the wall collaspes.
Name = Nature Charm
NamePlural = Nature Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase chance of finding certain Nature Pokemon.
Name = Points Charm
NamePlural = Points Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to double Battle Points gained.
Name = Promo Charm
NamePlural = Promo Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to force higher level Pokemon to spawn in the wild.
Name = Purify Charm
NamePlural = Purify Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to help purify Shadow Pokemon faster.
Name = Roaming Charm
NamePlural = Roaming Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the encounter probably of Roaming Pokemon.
Name = Resistor Charm
NamePlural = Resistor Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to decrease taken from Super Effective hits.
Name = Safari Charm
NamePlural = Safari Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the steps, balls, and catch rate while in the Safari Zone.
Name = Slots Charm
NamePlural = Slots Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A slots charm said to prevent a slot machine from slipping and cause slots to move at 75% speed.
Name = Smart Charm
NamePlural = Smart Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that increases chance of Wild Pokemon spawning with Egg or Tutor moves.
Name = Spirit Charm
NamePlural = Spirit Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that causes Wild Pokemon match the Nature of your Lead Pokemon.
Name = STAB Charm
NamePlural = STAB Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description =  A charm that enhances a Pokémon's (STAB), increasing the power of moves that match the Pokémon's type.
Name = Step Charm
NamePlural = Step Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 0
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A warm charm said to decrease the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg.
Name = Trading Charm
NamePlural = Trading Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase IVs and Shiny chance from trades.
Name = Trip Triad Charm
NamePlural = Trip Triad Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase winnings earned from the Triple Triad Mini-Game.
Name = Twin Charm
NamePlural = Twin Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to double gains from Hidden Items.
Name = Viral Charm
NamePlural = Viral Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase odds of wild Pokemon being infected with Pokerus.
Name = Wishing Charm
NamePlural = Wishing Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A mysterious charm said to materialize a wish once a day.
#-----Elemental Charms---------#
Name = Elemental Charm
NamePlural = Elemental Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 0
Flags = KeyItem
Description = Contains all the Elemental Charms.
Name = Bug Charm
NamePlural = Bug Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Bug Type Pokémon.
Name = Dark Charm
NamePlural = Dark Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Dark Type Pokémon.
Name = Dragon Charm
NamePlural = Dragon Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Dragon Type Pokémon.
Name = Electric Charm
NamePlural = Electric Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering an Electric Type Pokémon.
Name = Fairy Charm
NamePlural = Fairy Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Fairy Type Pokémon.
Name = Fighting Charm
NamePlural = Fighting Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Fighting Type Pokémon.
Name = Fire Charm
NamePlural = Fire Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Fire Type Pokémon.
Name = Flying Charm
NamePlural = Flying Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Flying Type Pokémon.
Name = Ghost Charm
NamePlural = Ghost Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Ghost Type Pokémon.
Name = Grass Charm
NamePlural = Grass Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Grass Type Pokémon.
Name = Ground Charm
NamePlural = Ground Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Ground Type Pokémon.
Name = Ice Charm
NamePlural = Ice Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering an Ice Type Pokémon.
Name = Normal Charm
NamePlural = Normal Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Normal Type Pokémon.
Name = Poison Charm
NamePlural = Poison Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Poison Type Pokémon.
Name = Psychic Charm
NamePlural = Psychic Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Psychic Type Pokémon.
Name = Rock Charm
NamePlural = Rock Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Rock Type Pokémon.
Name = Steel Charm
NamePlural = Steel Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Steel Type Pokémon.
Name = Water Charm
NamePlural = Water Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Water Type Pokémon.
Name = Oval Charm
NamePlural = Oval Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = An oval charm said to increase the chance of Eggs being found at the Day Care.
Name = Shiny Charm
NamePlural = Shiny Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon.
Name = Catching Charm
NamePlural = Catching Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm said to increase the chance of getting a critical catch. The charm doesn't shake much.
Name = Exp. Charm
NamePlural = Exp. Charms
Pocket = 8
Price = 3000
Flags = KeyItem
Description = A charm that increases the Exp. Points that Pokémon can get. A machine-like object is inside it.
I've tested this pretty rigorously on a fresh copy of V20.1 and didn't have any issues. I'm also running it in my game which has quite a few plugins and scripts, and haven't had any issues.

As always, if you have an issues, suggestions, additions, grammar errors, bugs, ticks, or anything else, please let me know and I will try to address it in a timely manner.

Disclaimer: After testing every Charm effect with no errors, I'm confident it's ready for V21.1.

Known Issues:
Mining "crack" display. On V20.1, it didn't happen, but I guess V21.1 changed the way it handles graphics, so it doesn't like the 3/4 values, as such displays the crack wonky.
Display issue with EVs. Debugging returns proper values, but displays different values. Calculations seem to run normally. I sill plan to fix it.

To do list:
Voltorb Flip
Better handling of the elemental charm display
Cleaning up the code a little bit
Item Finder Charm, and Seeker Charm.
Credits if used:
  • Dr.Doom76
  • Wrigty12
  • TechSkylander1518
  • LinKazamine
  • CC1.png
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    # V1.5 - Added Debug features - Found under Items section > Charms Case > (Divided into add and...
  2. V1.41

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Latest reviews

This added just the perfect tool to grant the player more rewards across my game to be excited about! Great plugin!
Great and simple plugin! You can easily utilize the charms given in this plugin. And it is very neat to have them all in one place!