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v21.1 [20.1+] Charm's recompilation 1.4.3

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
In Tech's Oddities, @drdoom76 mentioned about making a discussion or something for charms. So, here I am, making a recompilation of them.

If you have made one or more charms, share them here. If you pass the code, the graphic and the data for the item, I'll be grateful. I'll try to make the code or the item's data, if not.

Compatibility with other plugins
One of the charms requires my plugin PB System to work. Check on the list below to see which one.

Kurt's event
With the addition of the Apricorn Ball, the plugin comes with code to recreate the event with a simple script call. You just need to use apricornToBall in Kurt's event, and it will handle everything. You can customise Kurt's dialogue at the start of the Apricron_Charm file in the plugin files.

List of charms included in the recompilation:
Use: Turns all caught Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon and has a chance of turning owned Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by me.
Use: Decreases the level of wild and trainer's pokemon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by me.

Note: when used with the Hard Charm, trainers will lose (if you set it in the configuration) one pokemon (if they have more than 1) when not using the Hard Charm. Create your trainer's teams with one extra pokemon for this reason.
Use: Pokémon receive more EV from battle.
The download includes the code, the item's data and two graphics made by me and wrigty12.
Use: Increases the friendship of Pokémon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by me.
Use: Wild Pokémon can appear with one or more max IV.
The download includes the code, the item's data and two graphics made by me and wrigty12.
Use: Increases the level of wild and trainer pokemon. Trainers also appear with one more pokemon in their teams.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by me.

Note: trainers will lose (if you set it in the configuration) one pokemon (if they have more than 1) when not using the Hard Charm. Create your trainer's teams with one extra pokemon for this reason.
Use: Wild Pokémon can appear with an egg move.
The download includes the code, the item's data and two graphics made by me.
Use: Wild Pokémon can appear with their hidden ability.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by me.
Use: Doubles the amount of BP won.
The download includes the code to activate the item, the item's data and the graphic made by me.
For the charm to work, you need my plugin PB System.
Use: Helps purify Shadow Pokemon faster.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by me.
Use: Reduces the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg.
The download includes the code, the item's data and two graphics made by me and wrigty12.
Use: Doubles the yield of all Berry Plants.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: Slot Machines will never slip when stopped, and move at 75% speed.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm that doubles the amount of Balls produced from Apricorn and lessens time taken to make them.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to evenly divide encounter rates across all species in a given map.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm said to increase the probability of wild Pokemon holding items.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm that raises the chance of encountering a Wild Pokemon with a color variation.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76 and me.
Important: this charm requires the use of Pokemon Color Variants.
Use: A charm said to increase Ball count and score in the Bug Contest.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm that triples all gained coins.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76 and me.
Use: A Charm that adds to the yield and reduces crafting materials required to craft items.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made bu DrDoom76.
Important: this charm requires the use of either Simple item crafting system + interface or Item Crafter UI Plus plugins.
Use: A mystical charm that disrupts foe's moves when your Pokémon's HP drops below half.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: Reduces prices at Poké Marts.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to increase gold gained from Trainer battles by 50%.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm that doubles potion strength and restores HP while walking.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76 and me.
Use: A charm said to decrease wild Pokemon fleeing rate and Pokemon gain happiness at a higher rate.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm said to increase the overall IVs of Wild Pokemon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and two graphics made by DrDoom76 and me.
Use: A charm said to increase the probability of wild Pokemon having hidden ability.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm that increases encounter rate of Pokemon, while decreasing the rate of Pokemon you fled from.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to make all fishable Pokemon guaranteed to bite, while fishing.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm said to ward off wild Pokemon while you have a fainted Pokemon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A mining charm said to allow more hits before the wall collapses.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm said to force higher level Pokemon to spawn in the wild.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm said to increase the encounter probably of Roaming Pokemon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to decrease taken from Super Effective hits.
The download includes the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to increase the steps, balls, and catch rate while in the Safari Zone.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: Slot Machines will never slip when stopped, and move at 75% speed.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm that makes wild Pokemon appear with an egg or tutor move.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm that makes wild Pokemon appear with the same nature as your first Pokemon.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A mystical charm that increases the power of moves that match the Pokémon's type.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76 and me.
Use: A charm said to increase IVs and Shiny chance from trades.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to increase winnings earned from the Triple Triad Mini-Game.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: A charm said to double gains from hidden items.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A charm said to increase the odds of wild Pokemon being infected with Pokerus.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by wrigty12.
Use: A mysterious charm said to materialize a wish once a day.
The download includes the code, the item's data and the graphic made by DrDoom76.
Use: Charms that raises the chances of encountering Pokemon of a certain type.
The download includes the code and the item's data.

  1. Drop the contents in the main folder of your game.
  2. Move the item's pictures from the folder in Graphics/Items to the items folder. They are kept in folders so it's easier to find and delete the ones you will not use.
  3. Move the contents of the folder in Graphics/Pictures/Bag or Graphics/Pictures/Bag Party to the proper folder if you are using the ZUD plugin.
  4. Move the contents of the HGSS Style folder in Graphics/Pictures/Bag Party or Graphics/Pictures/Bag Party/With ZUD to the proper folder if you want the icons to look more similar to the ones in HGSS.
  5. Copy the code of the items in a folder inside the PBS folder to the item PBS file.
  6. Keep only one sprite per charm.
  7. Change the item's pocket to 10 if you use the ZUD plugin so the charms are stored in their own pocket.
  8. Configure some of the charm's functionality in the Configuration file.
  9. The Wishing Charm uses flags to exclude legendaries. Make sure that those pokemon have the flags "Legendary", "Mythical", "Paradox" or "UltraBeast" in the pokemon PBS files. Use Mass Flag/TutorMove adder to easily add them.
  10. Start a new game.

  • LinKazamine
  • TechSkylander1518
  • DrDoom76
  • wrigty12 for most of the sprites
  • Lucidious for the code to add new pockets in Bag Screen w/int. Party plugin.
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