- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v20.1 ➖
With those simple scripts, the player can surf without teaching SURF to a pokemon in the party. He just needs to have the badge that allows him to surf, and a WATER type pokemon in his party.
- First, edit the pbSurf method (Overworld_FieldMoves, line:737) in this way:
- Now just define the method "get_pokemon_with_type" in the Trainer script file (better if defined under the "get_pokemon_with_move" method(line:156), as the image shows):
type = :WATER
movefinder = $player.get_pokemon_with_type(type)
if !pbCheckHiddenMoveBadge(Settings::BADGE_FOR_SURF, false) || !movefinder || !$DEBUG
return false
# Checks whether any Pokémon in the party has the given type, and returns
# the first Pokémon it finds with that type, or nil if no Pokémon has that type.
def get_pokemon_with_type(type)
pokemon_party.each { |pkmn| return pkmn if pkmn.hasType?(type) }
return nil
- Credits
- Optional credit: Tzeolon.
No credit required.