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IV and EV Summary Screens

v21.1 IV and EV Summary Screens 1.2

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Updated meta file. It should not require any more updates unless Lucidious' Modular plugin changes its name.
Total EV now shows the sum of EV the pokemon has instead of the remaining EV.
  • Added shadow color to the name of the stats that are modified by the nature.
  • Added the Hidden Stats page that shows the base stats, IV and EV of a Pokémon.
  • Added the All Stats page that shows the current stats (except remaining HP), base stats, IV and EV of a Pokémon
Fixed the height of the hidden power type in the IV EV screen.
  • Added hidden type display on the IV and IV/EV screens thanks to Lucidious89.
  • Added remaining EV/total EV on the EV and IV/EV screens thanks to Lucidious89.
  • Added "Reset EV's" to the list of options in those custom pages.