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v21.1 Pokemon Rebalancing Python Script 600 1.69

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21 ➖
After making a backup of your "Pokemon.txt" file, rename it to "input.txt".

Create a new text file in your Pokemon PBS folder. Copypaste the following Python code into that text file, save, and rename the text file to "script.py". Install Python if you haven't already installed it. And then doubleclick the file to run it!

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filename = "input.txt"
total_cap = 600  # new total cap
factor_cap = 1.5  # new factor cap
max_value = 255

def calculate_new_values(nums, total_cap, factor_cap):
    total = sum(nums)
    if total < total_cap:
        factor = min(total_cap / total, factor_cap)
        new_nums = [int(min(num * factor, max_value)) for num in nums]
        new_nums = nums
    return new_nums

with open(filename, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

for i in range(len(lines)):
    line = lines[i]
    if line.startswith("BaseStats = "):
        nums = line.split("=")[1].strip().split(",")
            nums = [float(num) for num in nums]
            first_num = int(nums[0])  # Store the first number before modifying
            new_nums = calculate_new_values(nums[1:], total_cap, factor_cap)
            new_line = "BaseStats = " + str(first_num) + "," + ",".join(map(str, new_nums)) + "\n"
            lines[i] = new_line
        except ValueError:
            # Handle invalid input format gracefully

with open("output.txt", "w") as f:

Rename the newly created "output.txt" to "Pokemon.txt".

Congratulations! You just automatically rebalanced your Pokemon Essentials project with a single click, raising the power floor without lowering the power ceiling. Weaker Pokemon just got a LOT stronger! You won't see Weedles defeating Mewtwos any time soon and a Charmander is still weaker than a Charizard, but you might find Pokemon like Sandslash and Ludicolo becoming competitive powerhouses!

Each stat besides HP is multiplied by a factor of up to 1.5x, to get the Pokemon's base stat total as close to 600 BST as possible without going over either cap. Then each stat is rounded down to the nearest whole number and capped at 255. So if your Pokemon's base stat total was 300, it is now 450. If it was 400, it is now 600. If it was 500, it is now 600. This shrinks the tremendous power gap in Pokemon between the best and worst Pokemon, ensuring the average Pokemon game will require a bit more strategy than "get 600 BST mons ASAP and steamroll all the Low BST Trashlocke material I'll fight for 99% of the game".

You can also use this script on Pokemon_Forms to apply the same buff to Regional Variants with their own stats!

And of course, you can change the Multiplicative Factor and Stat Cap however you see fit. You can change the script to buff Pokemon over 600 BST if you think certain Legendaries should be far stronger. You can even reverse-engineer this script for your own purposes! Just credit me if you use this, ok?

While originally designed for Pokemon Essentials V20.1 it also works for Pokemon Essentials V21.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

More resources from SuperSpyroDragon64

Latest reviews

This is a critical tool to have if your Pokemon fan game project plans to focus on rebalancing Pokemon's metagame. This paired with the other Python tools this plugin author has made saves a massive amount of time and allows more time to be put into making a Pokemon fan game.
We definitely NEEDED this, thank you so much for the script
Any time! There are over 1000 Pokemon, to manually nerf and buff each one would take an absurd amount of time. This is quick, and still leaves room for specific Pokemon buffs. Reducing some stats to boost others, increasing or reducing BST, changing abilities, you can do anything.