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[20.1+] Pokegear Themes

v21.1 [20.1+] Pokegear Themes 1.0.9

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
  • Changed the background's image name for the Extended Preview of Arcky's Region Map.
  • Added the Text Raster for the Extended Preview of Arcky's Region Map.
  • Theme 5 has three versions of the Text Raster and Theme 6 has two. Only the one with the name mapTextRaster.png will be displayed in-game so choose the one you like more (or make your own).
Added images for the Extended Preview for Arcky's Region Map.
Fixed the problem that my plugin was overwriting the Pokegear Watch configuration.
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Added images for the Berry Preview for Arcky's Region Map.
Added theme versions of the new image added in the map's UI in Arcky's Region Map.
  • Updated the images for Arcky's Region Map to fit with the changes.
  • Deleted the script for compatibility with Arcky's Region Map plugin since their plugin already includes compatibility.
Fixed error on phone script in v21.1.
Updated the compatibility plugin with Arcky's Region Map.
Updated the compatibility plugin with Arcky's Region Map.
Updated the compatibility plugin with Arcky's Region Map.