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Braille Book

v20.1 Braille Book v1.0

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖
Braille Book Mechanic


Compatible for: Pokemon Essentials v20.1.

This works as a guide book that contains braille and its "translation". For thoose fan games that recreates the braille events from the official games, this was a way for me to give some help for players, so they can have a way to translate the in-game braille to solve puzzles or to reveal some hidden story.


Copy and paste the folders inside of the Graphics folder into:
Location: Graphics/Pictures/paste folder here
Note: Do not change the folders names or it will crash your game.

Location: Graphics/Items/paste here the item icon
Note: Do not change the name or it will not appear on your game.

Copy and paste the item info from the PBS file - "Items" into your PBS file - "Items":
Location: /PBS/Items
Note: If you change the name of the item, you must change it in the plugin and the item icon too, otherwise it will be called as the: "Braille Book".

Copy and paste the plugin folder and past it on your project's Plugins Folder.
Location: Plugins/Braille Book

How to call this mechanic in-game: by using its item from the bag or as a registered item.

How to edit the items name:

Edit the icon's name.
b) Edit the name in the PBS/Items file.
C) Edit inside the plugin here: Item_Braille_Book.rb file
The item can be registered to be used and/or used from the Bag directly, either way, if you only want one of this options to be available for the players, just remove the code or turn it into a comment, adding this =begin, code in the middle, and =end under all of the code.
Maruno (for the Pokegear script), and Richard PT (Graphics + Braille Book script based from the Pokegear script).
Richard PT
First release
Last update


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Visually impaired people are gonna be so thankful when they see this
Richard PT
Richard PT
Well, i only made that to indicate better the correspondent letters so players can decipher some events in braille in my fan game. But i'm glad you liked it.