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v21.1 Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)! 2023-07-07

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21 ➖
So, I was wanting to add some add/adapt multiple movement in sotrage scripts from one of my fangames to another, and then I realised that I might as well make the script public, update it, and add a few features to it.


Storage System Utilities!

A useful small plugin that allows you to add a litany of useful features straight to the Storage System!
Works with Essentials Version 20 OR 21.

To install:
Download this folder, and drop straight into your game folder, and you should be good to go!



Multiple Movement
Vanilla Essentials has the rather useful feature of the golden hand, which allows you to easily swap and move Pokémon in the Storage System, but in the main games, there is also a feature that allows you to select a large amount of Pokémon, and move them around. That is added here.

Swap Boxes
In the main games, especially the newer ones, you can swap boxes with one another very quickly. This has been added here.

Mass Release
Hatched hundreds of eggs while shiny hunting and want to release all the newborns into the wild to fend for theirselves, but don't have time to go through them one by one? Press Action (The same buttons used to switch to the golden hand) while holding a bunch of Pokémon, and you can release them in one fell swoop!

"Pour" Pokemon
Wanting to move a bunch of Pokemon to another box, but cannot find the right spaces to fit them in perfectly? Simply "pour" the Pokemon into the box by pressing Use on the header of the box while selecting them!

Enjoy the plugin, and be sure to give credit when using it!​
First release
Last update


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Nice Script. nice Features love it. Big+ for my game