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PhoenixDex Pack

v20.1 PhoenixDex Pack 2023-06-30

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖

The PhoenixDex is a project run by @Phoenixsong for their various concepts! There's 282 Fakemon, 178 moves, and 32 abilities - and it's (nearly) all public use!

And now, finally, it's getting formatted for Essentials!

This pack is a little incomplete - I'm posting it now so it can still be eligible to be used for this summer's Game Jam, and I'll be updating it over time to finish the work!

Also, please note that this is only the code - there's no graphics!
The PhoenixDex site is full of Sugimori-style art for these mons if you'd like to sprite them yourself...?

About Data​

Flavor text outside of descriptions - when an ability is triggered, when a move or item is used, etc. - isn't on the site, so I just slapped something together myself.


All Pokémon have two dex entries. I generally used the first listed, unless it explicitly mentioned a region or Pokémon, to make it easier to pick and choose what you want to include. (There were only three that did this- Heladalca, Dyrascal, and Mjolmi) There are some Pokémon whose whole gimmick is being a counterpart, though, and so both entries mention another species.

PhoenixDex does not list:
  • Exp Yield - I calculated it based on this formula. Note that I didn’t pick out any Pokémon as unique exceptions like Volcarona or Audino.
  • EV yield - Based it on observations mentioned here.
  • Habitat - I generally left that as None, except for a few obvious ones, like Sea. (It’s unused in Essentials anyways, and only lists for mons up to Gen 3 if I’m not mistaken)
  • Generation - I set it to 0 for all Pokémon. (You could easily do a find-and-replace)
  • Growth rate and steps to hatch. I looked for an existing mon that was similar in BST and evolution family and based it on that. (Some Pokémon fit existing roles that determine this, like starters)
If you're curious about which Pokémon were used for which Fakemon, the list is here:
  • Pidgey - Dribbino line,
  • Spearow - Quilittle, Robonbo, Auriole
  • Rattata - Faintrick, Dustley
  • Abra - Stickibat
  • Caterpie - Pompillar, Muddlebee
  • Gastly - Varchani
  • Staryu - Thredbear, Wyrmal
  • Geodude - Arridian
  • Kangaskhan - Recyqual, Cinnamoll, Nanalix, Josuche, Garapaima
  • Scatterbug - Kizziff
  • Ekans - Mambar
  • Slowpoke - Floyant, Superboa
  • Aerodactyl - Capsukela, Aeolagio, Torranel
  • Lapras - Fulminaja
  • Dratini - all pseudo-legendaries
  • Mareep - Lectarek
  • Bellsprout - Kwee
  • Horsea - Shrymph, Melanyan
  • Scyther - Kolveta
  • Pinsir - Donarith, Mandicore
  • Grimer - Cessmer, Smulch
  • Shellder - Divey, Dasfisk
  • Psyduck - Kiblis
  • Ponyta - Septicorn, Finolt
  • Tauros - Kuduzela
  • Omanyte - Mjolmi
  • Tentacool - Runnino, Tedigrae, Turistar, Fallorite, Beddybite, Lleeper
  • Mareep - Lamlie
  • Shuckle - Magnificat, Sheleras, Razelodon
  • Spinarak - Wiggout
  • Hoothoot - Strixalba
  • Pineco - Gastrel
  • Dunsparce - Iggydrake
  • Stantler - Rangifire
  • Delibird - Hollimin (direct counterpart)
  • Ho-Oh - Sarcodire, Colgwari
  • Zigzagoon - Nimphay
  • Feebas - Cubly, Quimpy, Lamanda, Derfin
  • Wingull - Bucarat
  • Spheal - Minijina
  • Snorunt - Larvill, Galorindle
  • Torkoal - Shockatiel
  • Camperl - Maaphix
  • Seviper - Currarog
  • Nincada - Tinimer
  • Duskull - Cursla
  • Trapinch - Vaering
  • Cherubi - Gowatu
  • Munchlax - Tunnelid
  • Croagunk - Pindillo
  • Hippopotas - Latikrai
  • Shinx - Mefflora, Gravendou
  • Rotom - Eidograph
  • Manaphy -Seramanea
  • Rufflet - Pinnipaw
  • Druddigon - Rakateis
  • Sigilyph - Makappa
  • Pansear - Virlich
  • Tynamo - Freye
  • Zorua - Boogle, Falcavi, Gumbwall, Pelascope
  • Munna - Bewildog
  • Emolga - Thunderma, Bearbegazi
  • Cryogonal - Galavena, Ponderan
  • Pumpkaboo - Gillydim
  • Skiddo - Ukuunki, Putrelisk
  • Gen 6 fossils - Nuwill, Invicunya
  • Carbink - Caslot
  • Hawlucha - Onzarudo (direct counterpart)
  • Dhelmise - Moscarmina
  • Komala - Trecibel, Decibass, Sparcoil, Dartizel-R, Loftitan-R, Halberax-R
  • Togedemaru - Roldenki, Transmite, Tianglis
  • Bruxish - Petrocka
  • Sandyghast/Salandit - Vitragoi
  • Rockruff - Humbuzz
  • Silicobra - Vulhet, Kelfee
  • Applin - Makima
  • Gen 8 fossil - Rasqueon
  • Polteageist - Whoodsy

I also have a few notes on specific Fakemon:
There were a couple Pokémon whose dex colors I changed, just as a matter of opinion:
  • Lamlie: White -> Yellow (it was presumably white because it's a counterpart to Mareep, who I also think should be yellow)
  • Drillinder: Black-> Brown
Pompillar and Muddlebee don't have any egg moves, like other early-game Bug-types. (I'm just noting that here in case you're like me and worry I left them off when you see it's missing)

It seems like Hollimin should give two EVs, since it's a single-stage mon, but since it's a direct counterpart to Delibird, and Delibird only gives one, I made Hollimin only give one as well. (It's weird, Unown gives two EVs, and it's only got 336 compared to their 330, and definitely a smaller movepool... Maybe Delibird was expected to get an EV? I dunno, I'm getting sidetracked)

Speaking of Hollimin - both of its dex entries mention Hollix Berries, and it's got a 50% chance of holding one. But as far as I can tell, PhoenixSong never got around to deciding what those berries do, so I don't have any code for them. (Could be a fun opportunity to come up with your own!)

On the PhoenixDex site, the Cherubi line is listed as only being in the Grass egg group, not Grass/Fairy, but I kept it in both.

Seramanea does not have any dex entries yet, but there's plenty of lore on its page to write your own!


Some moves (usually TMs, but not always) had "move description" and "flavor text" as different fields on the site. I went with flavor text for every move description. (and again for the TM description, if applicable)

I also have some notes on specific moves:
I'm not sure if Break the Bank should be prevented by Damp, but I've included that mechanic for now.

Cannonball - Since all other “hit while underwater” moves double in power, I've applied that here. If you want to change that, remove the pbModifyDamage section in the function code.

Clear Rain currently heals 2/3 in (heavy) rain, 1/2 in clear weather, and 1/4 in all other weathers. If you create a new weather in your game, you may want to account for it in the function code, depending on what it is.

Life Dew has the CannotMetronome flag, I'm not sure if Steam Bath should or not.

Viral Gale is listed as making contact, but I don't see how that could be the case when it's just a Poison-type Whirlwind, so I didn't include that flag. It's also not explained whether it should poison a target who isn't forced to switch out, or if the move should just fail entirely - I made it where it still poisons even if a switch doesn't occur.

It's not mentioned on the site, but I feel like Windstorm should be able to hit targets under Fly/Sky Drop/etc., so I added that function. (Doesn't affect the power, though)


Some of the ability descriptions were written for later generations' UI, with more space, and are cut off in Essentials' FRLG style. I've rewritten most of them, the ones in bold I haven't gotten to yet.
  • Aerialist
  • Beguile
  • Benevolence
  • Cast Off
  • Crescendo
  • Draft Rider
  • Fighting Spirit
  • Frozen Armor
  • Gas Guzzler
  • Heat Wall
  • Indomitable
  • Last-Ditch
  • Lucky Shot
  • Miasma Surge
  • Nine Curses
  • Play Dead
  • Ravenous
  • Reverberate
  • Saboteur
  • Spirit Call
  • Steam Cloud
  • Streamlined
  • Third Eye
A few abilities have specific notes.
Grassy Pelt checks if the user is on Grassy Terrain (even though the target has the ability), so I followed the lead here.


Sell price and fling effect isn't listed anywhere, I just looked for close counterparts for both.

PhoenixSong recommends upgrading the Dive Ball to 4x catch rate, so it's not outclassed by the Dusk Ball. If you do this, you should also make the change with the Specter and Faraday Balls.

Adding the Pack​

I've got quite a few notes about this, unfortunately, but nothing too complicated!

I don't expect this pack to be in a nice plug-and-play download form anytime soon. The PBS won't be too tricky - especially not with v21's great new additions - but there are quite a few script changes here and there, and I don't like the idea of aliasing/rewriting a bunch of changes, especially not considering all the big packs already existing out there. (I'd have to check for compatibility with Gen 8, Gen 9, and ZUD - no thanks!) The script changes aren't too tricky, I promise.


The links pokemon.txt and pokemon_forms.txt are the PBS entries for the respective files. (A select few mons may need further tweaking with their evolutions, more on them later) The new evo methods and form handlers link should be pasted in a new script section above Main, if needed.

As far as the Pokémon themselves go, this is really intended to be more like a grab bag of mons. There's three regions' worth in here - three sets of starters, several variations on the early route bug/rodent/bird, plenty of legendaries, all sorts of great options! But you'll probably be a little overwhelmed if you try to implement all 270+ at once!

The new evo methods are only needed if you're using a few Pokémon:
The Shrymph line needs the HoldItem38 method.

The Maaphix line needs the HoldItem35 method.

The Feebas counterparts (Cubly, Quimpy, Lamanda, and Derfin) need their respect methods. (Cute/Tough/Cool/Smart)

And, of course, you're free to change these evo methods if you don't like them. (In fact, the Feebas counterparts already have alternate methods)

Two lines - Larvill and Tinimer - have two possible routes for going about their evolution.
Unlike other location-based evos (which can be at any level), these lines require both a specific location and being at or above a given level. That means you have to choose - should the level number be hardcoded, or should the location flag be hardcoded?

If you want the level to be hardcoded, you'll take the LocationFlag30 and LocationFlag50 methods, and the evolutions for these Pokémon will look like this:
Larvill -
Expand Collapse Copy
Evolutions = CAVERNOLM,LocationFlag50,"Cave",ALPHIAN,Level,25
Tinimer -
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Evolutions = EMPEROBE,LocationFlag30,"Grassy",ALTAVAULT,LocationFlag30,"Mountain",BELMARINE,LocationFlag30,"Water",VAQUERADO,LocationFlag30,"Desert"
If you want the location flag to be hardcoded, you'll take the LevelCave, LevelGrassy, LevelMountain, LevelWater, and LevelDesert methods, and your evos will look like this:
Larvill -
Expand Collapse Copy
Tinimer -
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Evolutions = EMPEROBE,LevelGrassy,30,ALTAVAULT,LevelMountain,30,BELMARINE,LevelWater,30,VAQUERADO,LevelDesert,30

There's not really an efficient solution that works for both at the same time, but neither is a particularly hard process. It's really all down to personal choice, and if you plan on using these methods with any more Pokémon. (For example, if you planned on having more "level up on a mountain" evolutions and at different levels, hardcoding the location flag would be easier.
Several Fakemon are evos of canon Pokémon - to add them, you'll need to edit their prevos.

Jackravage - Evolution of Buneary
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Siamacho - Evolution of Basculin
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Zanthera - Evolution of Zangoose
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Evolutions = ZANTHERA,TradeItem,WHITEJEWEL
Seviron - Evolution of Seviper
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Evolutions = SEVIRON,TradeItem,BLACKJEWEL
Rapscalion - Evolution of Farfetch’d
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Lyrissimo - Evolution of Chatot
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Nahualatu - Evolution of Xatu
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Mercureon's method has not actually been decided yet - the current idea is listed as "exposed to a certain type of stone while holding a Metal Coat".

These Pokémon are all location-based evos based on a specific location, so you'll have to use your own judgement to decide what flag you'd want to assign for their evo.
  • Marazuma - Evolution of Pachirusu
  • Paracordis - Evolution of Parasect
  • Cerisol - Evolution of Cherrim
  • Chantirrus - Evolution of Swablu
  • Ramfere - Branched evo of Flaafy
  • Khargonaut - Branched evo of Carvanha
  • Ignelix - Evolution of Magcargo


moves.txt is the PBS entry for the new moves. new function codes and effects should be pasted in a new script section above Main. move function script changes are instructions on changes to make to the base scripts to make certain moves work. (There's only five moves these apply to, and they're labelled by name)

I do think the simplest way to go would be to add them all in at once. The moves that aren't functional are currently given the CannotMetronome flag - a few might still be in some level-up movepools, but otherwise, you shouldn't have to worry about a player coming across them.

At the top of new function codes and effects are some new entries to the PBEffects modules. This was designed for base Essentials, so if you're using a resource that adds more entries, you'll have to mess with the numbers. You don't need to worry about most of them for now - the only ones that are currently working are Stoke (Stoke) and Power Garden (GardenCount, GardenType).

  • Moves in bold need extra changes to the base scripts to function.
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) didn't need any new scripting, so you don't need to credit me for their PBS entry. (You do still need to credit PhoenixSong!)
  • Moves that are crossed out are not yet complete!
  • Acid Rain - Poison-type counterpart to Hurricane that lowers Sp. Def instead of confusing
  • Aftershock/Echo Blast - Similar to Future Sight, strikes again a turn later - but also hits on the turn you use them!
  • Amaze/Captivate/Confound/Dazzle/Demolish - Counterparts to Frustration/Return that are calculated based on contest stats instead. (And signature STAB versions for Milotic and counterparts - Elegant Wave/Dragon Dive/Phantasmata/Prism Shower/Wild Maul)
  • Arc Lightning* - Multistrike Electric move with increased priority
  • Astro Sphere* - Psychic-type counterpart to Heat Wave that confuses instead of burning
  • Backstab - Phantom Force counterpart that always results in a critical hit
  • Banshee Howl* - Ghost-type (sort-of-)counterpart to Heat Wave that paralyzes instead of burning
  • Battle Cry - Raises Attack and Sp Atk. of team
  • Beak Smash* - Physical Flying move with a chance of flinching
  • Belly Flop* - Water-type Take Down
  • Berry Juicer - Like Stuff Cheeks, but gives HP instead of raising defense
  • Berry Share - Like Tea Time, but raises catch rate of target
  • Bewitch - Does extra damage to target hit with symptoms that a Mental Herb would cure
  • Blindside - Attacks last but never misses
  • Boulder Crash* - Rock-type High Jump Kick
  • Brain Press - Sort of a Psychic Foul Play, though it's calculated more like Return
  • Bravado - Raises Attack, lowers target's Defense
  • Break the Bank - Explosion, but if you've used Payday, the user survives and payday's effects are cleared
  • Burn Away - Destroys just about every unique effect on the field, save weather and Tailwind
  • Burning Strike - Guaranteed burn, two-turn attack unless the user has Flame Body
  • Calcify - Rock-type Soak
  • Cannonball - Water-type Flame Burst
  • Clangor - Causes the noise effects of Uproar without locking the user
  • Clear Rain - Weather-based Morning Sun, does best in rain
  • Clear Sky - Sunny Day/Rain Dance/etc., but to remove weather
  • Coal Scatter* - Fire-type flinch move
  • Coin Shot - Multistrike move that doubles in power if Payday has been used (and clears its effects)
  • Cold Shower/Face Slap - Removes all positive stat changes in target. (Cold Shower is a status move that hits multiple foes, Face Slap hits one foe but does damage)
  • Compost Bomb - Grass move with chance to flinch, better power if user has eaten a berry
  • Corrode - Counterpart to Foresight/Odor Sleuth/Miracle Eye that lets Poison hit Steel-types
  • Crosscut Leaf* - Grass-type Razor Shell counterpart
  • Crystallize - Rock-type counterpart to growth, raises stats more in Hail/Sand
  • Daring Dash* - Damaging move with chance to raise Attack and Speed
  • Destroyer Diver - Fighting/Dark counterpart to Flying Press (and chance of flinch/paralyze)
  • Devastation* - Hits all mons on field, chance to burn
  • Diamond Claw* - Rock-type counterpart to Flame Charge that boosts Attack
  • Drag Under - Water-type counterpart to Sky Drop
  • Dragon Flare* - Dragon-type counterpart to Frost Breath et al
  • Dragon Roar* - Dragon-type counterpart to tickle
  • Drain Life* - Weaker Bug form of Draining Kiss
  • Dust Guard - Light Screen variant that functions like Shield Dust
  • Eagle Eye - Flying-type Tail Glow that raises Accuracy by three instead
  • Ear Splitter - Damages and deafens target
  • Electroburn - Chance of burn or paralysis
  • Fairy Dance - Dragon Dance, but for Sp Atk and Speed
  • Fairy Jinx/Jewel Blast - lowers random stat
  • Fairy Ring - Fairy-type version of Fire Spin et al
  • Fanfare - Raises speed of user and allies
  • Feather Rain* - Flying-type multistrike move
  • Fiery Charm - Burns target and lowers Sp Atk
  • Flutter Jump* - weak Fairy move with Flinch
  • Foam Geyser* - The final upgrade from Bubble->Bubble Beam
  • Frenzy Strike* - Multistrike and priority
  • Frozen Blade* - Ice-type Slash
  • Fusillade* - Steel-type multistrike
  • Germ Spray/Plague Storm - Poison-type echoed voice that has a better chance of poisoning with each use
  • Ghostly Touch - Lowers target's Sp Atk and Sp Def
  • Glacier Crush - Ice and Hail counterpart to Solar Beam
  • Goblin Claw* - Fairy-type Slash
  • Golden Flame* - Dragon and special form of Brick Break
  • Haunted Terrain - New terrain
  • Heart Snare - Like Shadow Thief, but lowers Sp Def rather than dealing damage
  • Heart Storm* - Water-type Power Trip/stored power
  • Hero Rally - Raises user's Attack by one stage for each party member fainted/with a nonvolatile status. (This is if they're currently fainted, not like Pay Respects)
  • Hidden Gift - Counterpart to Hidden Power where the effect changes, not the type
  • High-Speed Dive - Sort of a mashup of Fly and Skull Bash
  • Hydroshock* - Water-type Secret Sword
  • Hyperfocus - Psychic-type counterpart to Hone Claws (with Sp Atk)
  • Ice Drill - Ice/frozen counterpart to Wake-Up Slap
  • Ice Water* - Freezing counterpart to Scald
  • Invigorate - Boosts Attack and Speed of ally
  • Jaw Thrash - Combination Outrage and Fire Spin et al
  • Knight Sword - Freeze Dry, but for Dragon/Fairy/Dark-types
  • Lariat - Stops the target from two-turn attacks or moves like Outrage and Rollout
  • Last Stand/Phoenix Fire/Retribution - Power increases for each party member fainted/with a nonvolatile status (This is if they're currently fainted, not like Pay Respects)
  • Link Pulse* - Psychic-type Aerial Ace
  • Lunar Beam* - Fairy-type Solar Beam
  • Mach Turn* - Flying-type priority and double hit
  • Magnet Switch* - Steel-type Dragon Tail
  • Mental Garden/Power Garden/White Garden - Creates a garden of its respective herb on the field, which all battlers can grab from. (only Power works now)
  • Mercury Wave* - Steel-type Surf with chance of poison
  • Miasma Terrain - New terrain
  • Mind Shatter* - Psychic-type Frost Breath et all
  • Molten Wave* - Steel-type Surf with chance of burn
  • Moonbeam Lance/Spire Lance/Stinger Lance/Winter Lance - Moves that pierce not just through abilities, but also held items
  • Mow Down - Steel-type, recoil, chance of paralyze
  • Mudslide* - Ground-type Avalanche
  • Nip* - Biting-based Tackle
  • Noise Blast - Flinch and deafen
  • Noxious Acid* - Bug-type Night Daze with lower power but hits all foes
  • Oil Slick - Foes have chance of physical moves failing when it's laid on their side
  • Para Needle* - Poison move, chance of paralysis
  • Parodize - User uses one of the target's moves at random
  • Pepper Powder* - Burn equivalent to Sleep Powder et al
  • Petrify* - Rock-type special move with chance of paralysis
  • Piledriver* - Steel move that lowers accuracy
  • Piston Kick* - Steel-type kicking move
  • Pixie Dust - Random status form of Sleep Powder et all
  • Pixie Punch* - Fairy-type elemental punch with chance of confusion
  • Polter Juggle - Fling with everyone's items
  • Power Chord* - Steel-type Fiery Dance
  • Pressure Wave* - Ground-type Quick Attack
  • Psych Out/Wild Shriek - Bravado, but for Sp Attack/Sp Def
  • Pulse Jet* - Fire-type Quick Attack
  • Pulse Storm* - Electric-type multistrike
  • Pulverize - Heavy-hitting Steel move that lowers Attack by 2
  • Puzzle Powder* - Confusion counterpart to Sleep Powder et al
  • Quicksand - Target can't use physical attacks for a bit
  • Radiant Claw - A physical move using Special Defense instead, reverse of Psyshock
  • Rainbow Wall - Counterpart to Light Screen that reduces damage from all moves, but by only a fourth instead
  • Restrain - Dark-type trapping move that also boosts catch rate
  • Revel Dance* - Fairy-type outrage
  • Ring of Fire - Creates a fiery barrier around the user for one turn before attacking
  • Riposte* - Rock-type Revenge
  • Rock Dust* - Weaker Rock-type counterpart to Muddy Water
  • Rocket Kick* - Fire-type Double Hit
  • Rockflow - Chance to burn target and lower speed
  • Rough Swipe* - Weaker Crosscut Leaf
  • Rug Pull* - Dark-type Grass Knot
  • Sand Grind* - Ground-type Brine
  • Sandblast - Chance of burn, doubles power in Sandstorm
  • Shadow Dart - Hits any semi-invulnerable target
  • Shear Wave* - Ground-type move with chance of lowering speed
  • Shimmer Shot* - Fairy-type Charge Beam
  • Shiver* - Ice-type String Shot
  • Slumber Fang* - Poison biting move that makes target drowsy
  • Snapshot - Steal target's stat changes and lowers accuracy
  • Snow Cannon* - Ice move with chance of flinch
  • Snow Throw* - Ice-type Knock Off
  • Sonic Cannon* - Sound-based flich move
  • Spirit Punch - Chance of raising both attacks
  • Starshot* - Fire-type multistrike
  • Static Strike - Electric counterpart to burning strike (100% paralyze, skip charge turn with Static)
  • Steam Bath - Recover when alone, Life Dew when together
  • Sticky Fingers - Thief, but if the user is already holding an item, it'll still discard the target's
  • Stoke - Fire-type counterpart to Charge
  • Thunder Crash - Electric, physical form of Overheat
  • Thunderclap* - Electric move with flinch chance
  • Trip Up - stops priority moves
  • TriTone Chant* - Ghost-type Triple Axel
  • Tsunami Rush* - Water-type double edge
  • Turbulence - Knocks off all foes' items, but doesn't do damage
  • Valiant Sting* - Bug-type Double Edge
  • Vampire Fang* - Biting, Ghost-type Leech Life
  • Viral Gale - Whirlwind, but poisons both the Pokemon leaving and the Pokemon switching in
  • Viral Strike - passes the user's status onto the target
  • Volcano Bomb* - Bomb-based fire move with flnching
  • Water Bash* - Water-type flinch move
  • Water Hammer* - Water Bash's upgrade
  • Waterlog - Lowers Special Attack, unless target is Water-type, in which case it raises it
  • Whirling Dance* - Weaker Play Rough
  • Windstorm - Guaranteed to hit with Tailwind

move AI script changes are a few changes to make the AI understand how the moves work. It's not groundbreaking - lots of times it's just making the game recognize a base damage calculation - and most of the more interesting ones haven't been implemented. To be honest, it might remain incomplete for v20, I think it'll be a lot easier adding it all in v21.

On top of that, these moves don't have their AI changes implemented yet:
  • Berry Juicer
  • Break the Bank
  • Burning Strike/Static Strike
  • Coin Shot
  • Cold Shower/Face Slap
  • Compost Bomb
  • Corrode
  • Dust Guard
  • Ear Splitter
  • Fiery Charm
  • Haunted Terrain/Miasma Terrain
  • Heart Snare
  • Hero Rally
  • Jaw Thrash
  • Lariat
  • Last Stand/Phoenix Fire/Retribution
  • Moonbeam Lance/Stinger Lance/Winter Lance/Spire Lance
  • Noise Blast
  • Oil Slick
  • Parodize
  • Rainbow Wall
  • Rockflow
  • Snapshot
  • Sandblast
  • Steam Bath
  • Sticky Fingers
  • Viral Gale
  • Viral Strike
  • Windstorm
  • Waterlog

Move Distribution​

These moves are taught by TM. (Or ZCs, as the custom ones are called on the site - can't find what that stands for)
  • ZC01 - Spirit Punch
  • ZC02 - Bravado
  • ZC03 - Drag Under
  • ZC04 - Lunar Beam
  • ZC05 - Stinger Lance
  • ZC06 - Diamond Claw
  • ZC07 - Windstorm
  • ZC08 - Daring Dash
  • ZC09 - Aftershock
  • ZC10 - Miasma Terrain
  • ZC11 - Static Strike
  • ZC12 - Compost Bomb
  • ZC13 - Banshee Howl
  • ZC14 - Whirling Dance
  • ZC15 - Piledriver
  • ZC16 - Dragon Roar
  • ZC17 - Shadow Dart
  • ZC18 - Winter Lance
  • ZC19 - Phoenix Fire
  • ZC20 - Mind Shatter
  • ZC21 - Crystallize
  • ZC22 - Sandblast
  • ZC23 - Golden Flame
  • ZC24 - Psych Out
  • ZC25 - Pulse Storm
  • ZC26 - Oil Slick
  • ZC27 - Haunted Terrain
  • ZC28 - High-Speed Dive
  • ZC29 - Burning Strike
  • ZC30 - Magnet Switch
  • ZC31 - Berry Juicer
  • ZC32 - Hyper Focus
  • ZC33 - Lariat
  • ZC34 - Glacier Crush
  • ZC35 - Rainbow Wall
  • ZC36 - Mudslide
  • ZC37 - Cold Shower
  • ZC38 - Radiant Claw
  • ZC39 - Crosscut Leaf
  • ZC40 - Noxious Acid
  • ZC41 - Burn Away
  • ZC42 - Snow Throw
  • ZC43 - Brain Press
  • ZC44 - Turbulence
  • ZC45 - Shimmer Shot
  • ZC46 - Polter Juggle
  • ZC47 - Jewel Blast
  • ZC48 - Rug Pull
  • ZC49 - Pulverize
  • ZC50 - Hero Rally
  • ZC51 - Restrain
  • ZC52 - Berry Share
  • ZC53 - Hidden Gift
  • ZC54 - Clear Sky
  • ZC55 - Acid Rain
These moves are taught by tutors:
  • Amaze
  • Confound
  • Dazzle
  • Demolish
  • Dust Guard
  • Eagle Eye
  • Enthrall
  • Ice Water
  • Invigorate
  • Jump-Start
  • Link Pulse
  • Mental Garden
  • Pepper Powder
  • Power Garden
  • Puzzle Powder
  • Revel Dance
  • Trip Up
  • White Garden
These moves aren't taught by tutor or TM, but they're not really signature moves, either - maybe you'll consider adding them as level-up or egg moves to more lines?
  • Backstab
  • Beak Smash
  • Belly Flop
  • Bewitch
  • Blindside
  • Cannonball
  • Clangor
  • Coal Scatter
  • Corrode
  • Devastation
  • Drain Life
  • Ear Splitter
  • Echo Blast
  • Face Slap
  • Fairy Dance
  • Fairy Jinx
  • Fanfare
  • Feather Rain
  • Flutter Jump
  • Foam Geyser
  • Frenzy Strike
  • Frozen Blade
  • Germ Spray
  • Ghostly Touch
  • Goblin Claw
  • Hydroshock
  • Jaw Thrash
  • Last Stand
  • Mercury Wave
  • Moonbeam Lance
  • Mow Down
  • Nip
  • Noise Blast
  • Para Needle
  • Petrify
  • Piston Kick
  • Pixie Dust
  • Pixie Punch
  • Pressure Wave
  • Pulse Jet
  • Quake Swarm
  • Ring of Fire
  • Rocket Kick
  • Rockflow
  • Rough Swipe
  • Shear Wave
  • Shiver
  • Slumber Fang
  • Snow Cannon
  • Sonic Cannon
  • Spellbind
  • Spire Lance
  • Starshot
  • Steam Bath
  • Stoke
  • Thunder Crash
  • Thunderclap
  • Valiant Sting
  • Vanish
  • Viral Gale
  • Viral Strike
  • Volcano Bomb
  • Water Bash
  • Water Hammer
  • Waterlog

Calcify, Plague Storm, and Vampire Fang are only given to two lines... I'll let you use your judgement on whether they should be here or not.

The PhoenixDex site is built around the idea of three new regions, so not every canon Pokémon is in on the site. That means that only a few Pokemon have compatibility listed for new TM/tutor moves. For the mons that are listed, I've got script commands for adding each move to their relevant canon Pokémon using my Mass Flag Adder.
Expand Collapse Copy
There are seven moves that are near-universal, like Hidden Power and Protect are. These are:
  • Amaze
  • Berry Share
  • Clear Sky
  • Confound
  • Dazzle
  • Demolish
  • Enthrall
  • Hidden Gift
I will be updating my Mass Flag script with a universal adder to make adding these easier.


abilities.txt is the PBS entry for the new abilities. ability handlers should be pasted in a new script section above Main. ability script changes are instructions on changes to make to the base scripts to make certain abilities work. (Most of them are pretty simple, Aerialist is a bit tricky)

Abilities marked in bold need extra changes to the scripts to be able to function. (I'll note if it's only needed for the overworld effect)
Abilities that are crossed out have not yet been implemented.
  • Aerialist
  • Amplify
  • Beguile
  • Benevolence
  • Bombardier
  • Cast Off
  • Crescendo
  • Cursed Fangs
  • Diabolate
  • Draft Rider
  • Eclipse Veil (overworld effect)
  • Fighting Spirit
  • Frozen Armor
  • Gas Guzzler
  • Grass Cloak (overworld effect)
  • Guard Down
  • Heat Wall
  • Indomitable
  • Last-Ditch
  • Lucky Coin
  • Miasma Surge
  • Nine Curses
  • Overzealous
  • Play Dead
  • Ravenous
  • Reverberate
  • Saboteur
  • Scornful
  • Siphon
  • Solar Boost
  • Spirit Call
  • Steam Cloud
  • Streamlined
  • Third Eye


items.txt is the PBS entry for the new items. item handlers should be pasted in a new script section above Main. item script changes are instructions on changes to make to the base scripts to make certain moves work. (There's only two, one of which is just letting the AI know how to use the regional Rare Candy Bar)

The Solar Ball, Coach Ball, and Grandil Berry are currently absent.

PLEASE NOTE: Any sprite on the items page that gives credit to another user is not for public use.

About Usage and Credits​

You can read the full Creative Commons license on the PhoenixDex site here. The most relevant takeaways are:
  • You must give credit to PhoenixSong, and include a visible link to their site
  • You cannot profit from these concepts
  • You can make changes, but you must make it clear that you made the changes based on PhoenixSong's work

I (TechSkylander1518) don't mind if you don't credit me for the work that was just PBS entry. This means:
  • the Fakemon
  • the new moves that did not require a new function code
  • the fossils, Mega Stones, Logos Stone, and Prism Scale variants
Basically, if you were able to just edit the PBS and add it in, no credit needed, but if you had to touch the scripts, you do need to credit me.
Credits for all concepts MUST be given to PhoenixSong
Credit for code beyond PBS entries to TechSkylander1518
First release
Last update


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