- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v20.1 ➖
Quick little script to let you add a flag to several PBS entries at once, rather than needing to scroll through for each one.
Useful for when you're creating a new category for a mechanic, especially if you plan on sharing this with others.
(I'll be using this with some public concepts in the future!)
Can be downloaded as a plugin for v20 here, or paste in a new script section above Main.
def pbMassFlag(pbs,flag,array)
case pbs
when :Items
GameData::Item.each do |itm|
next if !array.include?(itm.id)
item_hash = {
:id => itm.id,
:name => itm.real_name,
:name_plural => itm.real_name_plural,
:pocket => itm.pocket,
:price => itm.price,
:sell_price => itm.sell_price,
:description => itm.real_description,
:field_use => itm.field_use,
:battle_use => itm.battle_use,
:consumable => itm.consumable,
:flags => itm.flags.push(flag),
:move => itm.move
when :Moves
GameData::Move.each do |move|
next if !array.include?(move.id)
move_hash = {
:id => move.id,
:name => move.name,
:function_code => move.function_code,
:base_damage => move.base_damage,
:type => move.type,
:category => move.category,
:accuracy => move.accuracy,
:total_pp => move.total_pp,
:effect_chance => move.effect_chance,
:target => move.target,
:priority => move.priority,
:flags => move.flags.push(flag),
:description => move.description
when :Species, :Pokemon
GameData::Species.each do |spec|
next if !array.include?(spec.id)
moves = []
spec.moves.each_with_index { |m, i| moves.push(m.clone.push(i)) }
moves.sort! { |a, b| (a[0] == b[0]) ? a[2] <=> b[2] : a[0] <=> b[0] }
moves.each { |m| m.pop }
evolutions = []
spec.evolutions.each { |e| evolutions.push(e.clone) if !e[3] }
types = [spec.types[0], spec.types[1]].uniq.compact # Types
types = nil if types.empty?
egg_groups = [spec.egg_groups[0], spec.egg_groups[1]].uniq.compact # Egg groups
egg_groups = nil if egg_groups.empty?
abilities = [spec.abilities[0], spec.abilities[1]].uniq.compact # Abilities
hidden_abilities = [spec.hidden_abilities[0], spec.hidden_abilities[1], spec.hidden_abilities[2], spec.hidden_abilities[3]].uniq.compact # Hidden abilities
# Construct species hash
species_hash = {
:id => spec.id,
:name => spec.real_name,
:form_name => spec.real_form_name,
:category => spec.real_category,
:pokedex_entry => spec.real_pokedex_entry,
:types => types, # 5, 6
:base_stats => spec.base_stats,
:evs => spec.evs,
:base_exp => spec.base_exp, #spec.calculated_exp for scripted xp
:growth_rate => spec.growth_rate,
:gender_ratio => spec.gender_ratio,
:catch_rate => spec.catch_rate,
:happiness => spec.happiness,
:moves => moves,
:tutor_moves => spec.tutor_moves.clone,
:egg_moves => spec.egg_moves.clone,
:abilities => abilities, # 17, 18
:hidden_abilities => hidden_abilities, # 19, 20, 21, 22
:wild_item_common => spec.wild_item_common.clone,
:wild_item_uncommon => spec.wild_item_uncommon.clone,
:wild_item_rare => spec.wild_item_rare.clone,
:egg_groups => egg_groups, # 26, 27
:hatch_steps => spec.hatch_steps,
:incense => spec.incense,
:offspring => spec.offspring,
:evolutions => evolutions,
:height => spec.height,
:weight => spec.weight,
:color => spec.color,
:shape => spec.shape,
:habitat => spec.habitat,
:generation => spec.generation,
:flags => spec.flags.push(flag)
# Add species' data to records
def pbMassTutor(move,array)
GameData::Species.each do |spec|
next if !array.include?(spec.id)
moves = []
spec.moves.each_with_index { |m, i| moves.push(m.clone.push(i)) }
moves.sort! { |a, b| (a[0] == b[0]) ? a[2] <=> b[2] : a[0] <=> b[0] }
moves.each { |m| m.pop }
evolutions = []
spec.evolutions.each { |e| evolutions.push(e.clone) if !e[3] }
types = [spec.types[0], spec.types[1]].uniq.compact # Types
types = nil if types.empty?
egg_groups = [spec.egg_groups[0], spec.egg_groups[1]].uniq.compact # Egg groups
egg_groups = nil if egg_groups.empty?
abilities = [spec.abilities[0], spec.abilities[1]].uniq.compact # Abilities
hidden_abilities = [spec.hidden_abilities[0], spec.hidden_abilities[1], spec.hidden_abilities[2], spec.hidden_abilities[3]].uniq.compact # Hidden abilities
# Construct species hash
species_hash = {
:id => spec.id,
:name => spec.real_name,
:form_name => spec.real_form_name,
:category => spec.real_category,
:pokedex_entry => spec.real_pokedex_entry,
:types => types, # 5, 6
:base_stats => spec.base_stats,
:evs => spec.evs,
:base_exp => spec.base_exp, #spec.calculated_exp for scripted xp
:growth_rate => spec.growth_rate,
:gender_ratio => spec.gender_ratio,
:catch_rate => spec.catch_rate,
:happiness => spec.happiness,
:moves => moves,
:tutor_moves => spec.tutor_moves.clone.push(move).uniq!.sort,
:egg_moves => spec.egg_moves.clone,
:abilities => abilities, # 17, 18
:hidden_abilities => hidden_abilities, # 19, 20, 21, 22
:wild_item_common => spec.wild_item_common.clone,
:wild_item_uncommon => spec.wild_item_uncommon.clone,
:wild_item_rare => spec.wild_item_rare.clone,
:egg_groups => egg_groups, # 26, 27
:hatch_steps => spec.hatch_steps,
:incense => spec.incense,
:offspring => spec.offspring,
:evolutions => evolutions,
:height => spec.height,
:weight => spec.weight,
:color => spec.color,
:shape => spec.shape,
:habitat => spec.habitat,
:generation => spec.generation,
:flags => spec.flags
# Add species' data to records
Using the script
The method for flags is pbMassFlag(pbs,flag,array)
, where:pbs
is which PBS file you're editing. (Should be a symbol, with a : in front of it) Right now, the script only works with three -:Moves
, and:Pokemon
). I may update this for map/ability flags, depending on the demand.flag
is the flag being added to each entry. Should be a string (in quotes)array
is an array of each ID you're adding the flag to.
(And I'd probably use extendtext.exe or add some line breaks...)
And the Deer flag would be added to all those Pokémon, so I could just check it in a script!
Not using Gen 9 mons? No worries! What this script does is check each entry in the PBS to see if its ID is included in the given array, rather than grab data from each item in the array. That means if there's no Wyrdeer in your PBS, it won't cause any errors! (It also means that if there's a typo, you won't know about it unless you check yourself

For adding TM/tutor moves, it's pretty much the same, just fewer arguments.
, wheremove
is the ID of the move to addarray
is an array of each Pokémon ID you're adding the move to.
So, for example, if I wanted to add Comeuppance as a tutor move rather than a level-up move, I'd do this:
Currently, this only edits the base species, and I don't think you could edit alternate forms. (That means that if you wanted to add a move to Alolan Raichu but not Kanto Raichu, for example, you'd be out of luck) You may be able to try :SPECIES_FORM, but I haven't yet tested that.
I'll also be working on a version of this that works with a blacklist rather than a whitelist, for near-universal moves like Hidden Power.
- Credits
- Credit to TechSkylander1518, please! (Technically there's no way I could tell if you used this without crediting, but I'd appreciate it all the same lol)