• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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How to make a Custom FRLG Battle Backgrounds 2023-05-04

Here is how I create custom FRLG battle backgrounds in Photoshop, and you can do the same.

Here is the All PSD's:
Download link

First open FRLG Battle Bg.psd:
bandicam 2023-05-03 20-19-57-446.jpg

I've divided the rectangles on the right side into top, middle, bottom, and background colours.

Change the background you prefer in the first step. To select a colour, simply by double-click the colour mask and choose any color you want.
bandicam 2023-05-03 20-20-13-046.jpg

For the purposes of the example, I changed the background to a green colour, and I only slightly altered the green colour at the top, middle, and bottom or increased the saturation to make the difference otherwise it would blend in with the background.
bandicam 2023-05-03 20-21-00-287.jpg

Here is the finished item.

Done, let's edit the battle bases. In Essentials, Base 1 represents the enemy base, and Base 0 represents the player base.

Open FRLG Base.psd:
I divided Base 1 into 4 Outside, Inside1, Inside2, and Inside Dot, using the same approach as Battle Backgrounds.
bandicam 2023-05-03 20-22-12-005.jpg

You may also modify the colour for these 4 using the Battle Backgrounds approach. Outside is for the outside border, Inside1 is for the border colour between Outside and Inside, inside colour is for which colour is going to be in the middle, and inside Dot is for The Inside Pattern.
Base 1.jpg

Open FRLG Base 0.psd:
Now that Base 1 has been saved, it is simple to drag and change the base sizes to fit.
bandicam 2023-05-03 20-23-12-558.jpg

Like this, that's all now create a awesome battle backgrounds:)
bandicam 2023-05-03 20-23-31-681.jpg
Simply a tutorial, no credit is required.
  • bandicam 2023-05-03 20-21-08-740.jpg
    bandicam 2023-05-03 20-21-08-740.jpg
    256.1 KB · Views: 742
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