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Level Based Mixed EV System and Allocator

v20.1 Level Based Mixed EV System and Allocator 1.0.3

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Love this plugin. Managed to get both it and the BW summary screen working in 21.1 with some tweaking. Namely, I believe line 134 in Compiler.rb needs to be changed to MessageTypes::TRAINER_NAMES, trainer_names and line 135 needs to be changed to MessageTypes::TRAINER_SPEECHES_LOSE, trainer_lose_texts. I am interested in implementing a change where you get half value for A/SpA depending on your investment in the other, but that is trickier and I haven't been able to puzzle that one out yet.
Possibly one of the best features of all time for any Pokemon fangame out there. Far too many times is EV training a massive gatekeeping wall that doubles up as a huge time sink not everyone wants to have to go through. This is excellent for alleviating all the grind, while as a bonus also allowing offensive mons to fully utilise their strengths without making often-awkward optimisations.
Great for anyone who wants to eliminate grind from their game (cough cough should be everyone cough cough)