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All Abilities Mutation

v20.1 All Abilities Mutation 1.3.3

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖
This Plugin tries to add an extra spice to your fangame needs by giving you the ability to enable certain Pokemon (or all Pokemon in the game, if you want to go chaos mode) to have all their abilities active during battle.
I name it a Mutation, but depending on your game's needs it could be anything you want really.
You can make existing Player's Pokemon mutated, or give them new mutated ones.
You can give mutated Pokemon to opposing trainers .

It is highly recommended to have Ability Splash effects enabled when using this plugin. Or else you'll have to edit every single ability message to show the correct ability.


Plugins folder:

AAM Settings.rb
-Basic settings for the plugin, namely for the mutation icon visiblity, or for enabling the mutation for all Pokemon in the game.

AAM Pokemon.rb
-Adds a new attribute to Pokemon objects (:abilityMutation) which if enabled (true) it makes all of their possible abilities active at the same time.
Useful methods which can be used in Events, Items, or in the scripts. Their names should be self-explanatory:
example: pokemon.toggleAbilityMutation

AAM Battler.rb
-Adds the Trace effect.
-Battler initialization. Mutated battlers have all their abilities put into an array which is used for abilitiy checks instead of their set ability. When a Pokemon obtains a new form during battle which gives it a new ability (like a Mega) that ability will be added to the array. This means that a Mega Pokemon will retain its base form's abilities in addition to its new one.
-hasActiveAbility? checks for all possible abilities of a battler when checking for active abilities. If it tries to check for an ability that doesn't exist in PBS it will crash. Make sure to implement all abilities that are iterated in the scripts in the PBS.
-Trace edit: A mutated battler with Trace as one of its abilities will add the traced ability to its ability array. The new Trace effect will then be set to true, preventing the battler from continuous tracing.
-Support for abilities that affect allies.
-Edited AbilitySplashBar for showing the correct ability in the splash instead of the set ability. This is achieved through global variables that save the abilities' names during the checks in the AbilityEffects triggers and hasActiveAbility?

AAM AbilityEffects.rb
-The ability trigger methods, which are edited to get checked for every ability of a battler and saves the ability name in a global variable for the AbilitySplash.
-If your game has trigger methods that don't exist, you have to add them here while using the format used in the other methods as a reference to edit it.
-Ability Combos. Only one exists for now, as an example: A mutated Pokemon's Immunity does not cure Poison if it also has Toxic Boost as one of its abilities. You can get creative here. I might add some more in the future.

AAM Move.rb
-Support for abilities that affect allies.

AAM Battle.rb
-Makes it so the correct ability names are shown in the party for trapping abilities.

-Support for abilities that affect allies.

AAM Icon.rb
-Handling of the mutation Icon placement in the Pokemon Summary and on the Pokemon HP bars in battle.

AAM Trainer.rb
-Adds The ability to give mutated pokemon to trainers in PBS (AAM = true)

AAM Items.rb
-You can place your item handlers specific to this plugin here.
-There is placeholder/example item handler that toggles the mutation on a Pokemon.

Graphics folder:
-A placeholder mutation icon. You can use it, or make your own. (I hope you make your own, I'm so bad at spriting and this icon is awful)

-Simply extract the zip in your game's main directory.


Known Compatibilities:
Essentials Deluxe v1.2.4 and its peripherals - by Lucidious89
Generation 8 Pack v1.0.3 by Golisopod User
Generation 9 Pack v1.0 by Caruban (if you plan to use Essentials Deluxe with this you will need to install gen 9 pack first and start a new game)

-No Known incompatibilities

-Fixed a bug with stat boosting moves if one didn't have the Generation 9 Pack installed (don't ask).

  • Every time a pokemon has their ability changed, this ability is moved to the front of the ability array.
  • Mega abilities now count as a mutated pokemon's main ability and are moved to the front of the ability array.
  • Wandering spirit will have its place in the ability array replaced with the swapped ability.
  • Fixed a lot of ability interactions that were not working properly with the mutation system
  • Fixed a lot of ability splash name showings that were showing the wrong ability name
  • A new file has been added: AAM Battle.rb which makes it so the correct ability names are shown in the party for trapping abilities.

  • Fixed compatibilty issues with other plugins across the board with Lucidious89's help
  • Fixed problematic interactions with abilities that affect allies
AAM AI.rb : Adding the ally as an argument to ability triggers that involve allies. This fixes some AI related errors
AAM Move.rb : Added the ally as an argument to ability triggers that involve allies in the pbCalcAccuracyModifiers which fixes potential errors.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from DemICE

Latest updates

  1. v1.3.3 bugfix update that fixes the game crashing when encountering mutated pokemon in safari zone

    v1.3.3 - Fixed the game crashing when encountering mutated pokemon in safari zone
  2. All Abilities Mutation small bugfix update [v1.3.2]

    1.3.2: - Fixed error-causing bugs involving uninitialized arrays for ally trigger abilities.
  3. v1.3.1: Fixed a bug with stat boosting moves if one didn't have the Generation 9 Pack installed

    v1.3.1 -Fixed a bug with stat boosting moves if one didn't have the Generation 9 Pack installed...

Latest reviews

A pretty revolutionary advancement on the Pokemon fangames scene, allowing for a new depth of dynamics to battling not seen before. That said, it's certainly a feature that must be handled with responsibility and care, for the sake of game balance.
Amazing, breathtaking, exceeded expectations, simply magnificent 10/10